Review Research 2021

Computer Science


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Fehnker, A. , & Mader, A. (2020). Atelier for Creative Programming. Abstract from 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2020, .

Gatti, L. , & van Stegeren, J. (2020). Improving sentiment analysis. Abstract from 30th Meeting on Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands, CLIN 2020, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Haarman, J. A. M. , & de Vries, R. A. J. (2020). Healthy Loads & Happy LEDs: An interactive dining table to capture social eating behavior. 87. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology 2020, Enschede, Netherlands.

Langener, S. , van der Nagel, J. , Klaassen, R., Brouwer, L. , & Heylen, D. (2020). Go up in smoke: proof of concept study on tobacco craving in a VR environment. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology 2020, Enschede, Netherlands.

Article (contribution to journal)

Akata, Z., Balliet, D., de Rijke, M., Dignum, F., Dignum, V., Eiben, G., Fokkens, A., Grossi, D., Hindriks, K., Hoos, H., Hung, H., Jonker, C., Monz, C., Neerincx, M., Oliehoek, F., Prakken, H., Schlobach, S., van der Gaag, L., van Harmelen, F., ... Welling, M. (2020). A Research Agenda for Hybrid Intelligence: Augmenting Human Intellect With Collaborative, Adaptive, Responsible, and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Computer (New York), 53(8), 18-28.

Bottenheft, C., Brouwer, A-M. , Stuldreher, I., Groen, E. , & van Erp, J. (2020). Cognitive task performance under (combined) conditions of a metabolic and sensory stressor. Cognition, technology and work.

Brouwer, A-M., van den Broek, T. J., Hogervorst, M. A. , Kaneko, D., Toet, A., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). Estimating affective taste experience using combined implicit behavioral and neurophysiological measures. IEEE transactions on affective computing.

Deichmann, D., Moser, C., Birkholz, J. M., Nerghes, A., Groenewegen, P. , & Wang, S. (2020). Ideas with impact: How connectivity shapes idea diffusion. Research policy, 49(1), [103881].

Didden, R. , VanDerNagel, J., Delforterie, M., & van Duijvenbode, N. (2020). Substance use disorders in people with intellectual disability. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 33(2), 124-129.,

Haider, F. , Salim, F. A. , Postma, D. B. W. , Delden, R. V. , Reidsma, D. , Beijnum, B. J. V., & Luz, S. (2020). A super-bagging method for volleyball action recognition using wearable sensors. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(2), [33].

Kaneko, D., Brouwer, A. M., Hogervorst, M., Toet, A., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). Emotional State During Tasting Affects Emotional Experience Differently and Robustly for Novel and Familiar Foods. Frontiers in psychology, 11, [558172].

Liu, Y., Toet, A., Krone, T., van Stokkum, R., Eijsman, S. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). A network model of affective odor perception. PLoS ONE, 15(7), [e0236468].

Nijholt, A. (2020). “All the world’s a stage”: incongruity humour revisited. Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence, 88(5-6), 405-438.

Salim, F. A., Haider, F. , Postma, D. B. W. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & van Beijnum, B. J. F. (2020). Towards Automatic Modeling of Volleyball Players’ Behavior for Analysis, Feedback, and Hybrid Training. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 3(4), 323-330.

Stara, V., Vera, B., Bolliger, D., Rossi, L., Felici, E., Rosa, M. D. , Jong, M. D., & Paolini, S. (2020). Usability and Acceptance of the Embodied Conversational Agent Anne by People with Dementia and their Caregivers: an exploratory study in home environment settings. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Stegman, P., Crawford, C. S., Andujar, M. , Nijholt, A., & Gilbert, J. E. (2020). Brain–Computer Interface Software: A Review and Discussion. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 50(2), 101-115.

Thammasan, N. , Stuldreher, I., Schreuders, E., Giletta, M., & Brouwer, A-M. (2020). A Usability Study of Physiological Measurement in School Using Wearable Sensors. Sensors (Switzerland), 20(18), [5380].

Toet, A., Eijsman, S., Liu, Y., Donker, S. , Kaneko, D., Brouwer, A-M. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). The Relation Between Valence and Arousal in Subjective Odor Experience. Chemosensory Perception, 13(2), 141–151.

Toet, A., Heijn, F., Brouwer, A-M., Mioch, T. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). An Immersive Self-Report Tool for the Affective Appraisal of 360º VR Videos. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, [552587].

Toet, A., Kuling, I. A., Krom, B. N. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). Toward Enhanced Teleoperation Through Embodiment. Frontiers in robotics and AI, 7(14).

Article (contribution to specialist publication)

Postma, D. , Reidsma, D., & Zaal, F. (2020). Nieuwe inzichten over de rol van affordances bij succesvol bewegen. Sportgericht, 74(6), 26-29.


Didden, R. , VanDerNagel, J., van Duijvenbode, N., Delforterie, M., Otten, R., & Poelen, E. (2020). Treatment of substance abuse in dual diagnosis. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of Dual Diagnosis : Assessment and Treatment in Persons with Intellectual Disorders (pp. 549-563). (Autism and Child Psychopathology Series). Springer.

VanDerNagel, J., & van Horsen, S. (2020). Sucht und kognitive Beeinträchtigung in den Niederlanden. In D. Zullino, S. Cattacin, D. Domenig, & U. Schäfer (Eds.), Leben lassen! Kognitive Beeinträchtigung, psychoaktive Substanzen und suchtbedingte Verhaltensweisen Seismo Verlag.

Conference article

Conference contribution

Aliannejadi, M., Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (2020). Say it with Emojis: Co-designing relevance cues for searching in the classroom. In CIRCLE 2020 Information Retrieval Communities in Europe 2020: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe (CIRCLE 2020) Samatan, Gers, France, July 6-9, 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2621). CEUR.

Aliannejadi, M., Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (Accepted/In press). Children's Perspective on How Emojis Help Them to Recognise Relevant Results: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? In 6th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval: CHIIR 2021 ACM Press.

Bergsma, T. , van Stegeren, J. , & Theune, M. (2020). Creating a Sentiment Lexicon with Game-Specific Words for Analyzing NPC Dialogue in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. In S. M. Lukin (Ed.), Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop Games and Natural Language Processing (pp. 1-9). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Breymann, L. E. I. , Mader, A. H., & Kok, H. M. (2020). How can technology enhanced learning improve the efficiency and quality of help seeking and giving for programming. In J. van der Veen, N. van Hattum-Janssen, H-M. Järvinen, T. de Laet, & I. ten Dam (Eds.), Engaging, Engineering, Education: Book of Abstracts, SEFI 48th Annual Conference University of Twente (online), 20-24 September, 2020 (pp. 679-688). University of Twente.

Catala, A. , Nazareth, D. S., Félix, P. , Truong, K. P. , & Westerhof, G. J. (2020). Emobook: A Multimedia Life Story Book App for Reminiscence Intervention. In MobileHCI '20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Davison, D. P. , Wijnen, F. M. , Charisi, V. , van der Meij, J. , Evers, V. , & Reidsma, D. (2020). Working with a social robot in school: A long-term real-world unsupervised deployment. In HRI 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 63-72). (ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction)..,

De Vries, R. A. J. , Haarman, J. A. M., Harmsen, E. C. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Hermens, H. J. (2020). The Sensory Interactive Table: Exploring the Social Space of Eating. In ICMI 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 689-693). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

De Wolf, E. , & Li, J. (2020). Double Trouble: The Effect of Eye Gaze on the Social Impression of Mobile Robotic Telepresence Operators. In Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Golden, CO, USA, November 14–18, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 357-368). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12483). Springer.

El Haddad, K., Tits, N. , Velner, E., & Bohy, H. (2020). Cozmo4Resto: A Practical AI Application for Human-Robot Interaction. In H. Dibeklioglu, & E. Sürer (Eds.), Proceedings eNTERFACE’19: 15th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (pp. 12-18). Bilkent University.

Fehnker, A. , Mader, A., Rump, A., Rutgers, M., Steenmeijer, L., & Witteveen, C. (2020). Atelier: An Online Platform for Programming Tutorials. In Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC '20). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Geissler, D., Nguyen, E., Theodorakopoulos, D. , & Gatti, L. (2020). Pokérator - Unveil your inner Pokémon. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20) (pp. 500-503)

Jansen, M-P. , Truong, K. P. , Nazareth, D. S. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2020). Introducing MULAI: A Multimodal Database of Laughter during Dyadic Interactions. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020) (pp. 4333-4342). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Kaag, W. , Theune, M. , & Huibers, T. W. C. (Accepted/In press). Designing a learning robot to encourage collaboration between children. In Proceedings of Design, Learning, and Innovation (DLI 2020) (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering). Springer.

Kola, I., Jonker, C. M. , & van Riemsdijk, M. B. (2020). Who’s that? – Social Situation Awareness for Behaviour Support Agents: A Feasibility Study. In Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: 7th International Workshop, EMAS 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13–14, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 12058, pp. 127-151). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 12058). Springer.

Kola, I., Jonker, C. M., Tielman, M. , & van Riemsdijk, M. B. (2020). Grouping Situations Based on their Psychological Characteristics Gives Insight into Personal Values. In MRC 2020. Modelling and Reasoning in Context : Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (pp. 17-26). (Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2787). CEUR.

Kuling, I. A., Gijsbertse, K., Krom, B. N., van Teeffelen, K. J. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). Haptic feedback in a teleoperated box & blocks task. In I. Nisky, J. Hartcher-O’Brien, M. Wiertlewski, & J. Smeets (Eds.), Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications - 12th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 6–9, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 96-104). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12272). Springer.

Lafranca, L. , & Li, J. (2020). Humans and Robots in Times of Quarantine Based on First-Hand Accounts. In A. R. Wagner, D. Feil-Seifer, K. S. Haring, S. Rossi, T. Williams, H. He, & S. Sam Ge (Eds.), Social Robotics - 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Proceedings (pp. 688-707). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12483 LNAI). Springer.

Landoni, M., Fails, J. A. , Huibers, T. W. C., Kucirkova, N., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (2020). 4th KidRec Workshop - "what does good look like?": From design, research, and practice to policy. In Extended Abstracts - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, IDC 2020 (pp. 103-110). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (2020). We've only just begun: Children searching in the classroom. In I. Cantador, M. Chevalier, M. Melucci, & J. Mothe (Eds.), CIRCLE 2020 Information Retrieval Communities in Europe 2020: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe (CIRCLE 2020) Samatan, Gers, France, July 6-9, 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2621). CEUR.

Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (2020). You've Got a Friend in Me: Children and Search Agents. In UMAP 2020 Adjunct - Adjunct Publication of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 89-94). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Landoni, M., Pera, M. S., Murgia, E. , & Huibers, T. W. C. (2020). Inside Out: Exploring the Emotional Side of Search Engines in the Classroom. In UMAP 2020 - Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 136-144). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Li, D. , & van der Veer, G. C. (2020). Supporting the Experience of Stakeholders of Multimedia Art – Towards an Ontology. In J. Abdelnour Nocera, J. Abdelnour Nocera, A. Parmaxi, M. Winckler, F. Loizides, C. Ardito, G. Bhutkar, & P. Dannenmann (Eds.), Beyond Interactions - INTERACT 2019 Workshops, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 3-15). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 11930 LNCS). Springer Singapore.

Li, J. J., Currano, R., Sirkin, D., Goedicke, D., Tennent, H., Levine, A. , Evers, V., & Ju, W. (2020). On-Road and Online Studies to Investigate Beliefs and Behaviors of Netherlands, US and Mexico Pedestrians Encountering Hidden-Driver Vehicles. In HRI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 141-149). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Li, J. J. , Davison, D. P., Alcorn, A. M., Williams, A., Babovic Dimitrijevic, S., Petrovic, S. , Chevalier, P. , Schadenberg, B. R., Ainger, E., Pellicano, L. , & Evers, V. (2020). Non-participatory user-centered design of accessible teacher-teleoperated robot and tablets for minimally verbal autistic children. In PETRA '20: Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 1-9). [8] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Li, J. J., Petrovic, S. , Davison, D. P., Babovic, S. , Chevalier, P. , & Evers, V. (2020). Addressing Attention Difficulties in Autistic Children Using Multimodal Cues from a Humanoid Robot. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’20 Companion) (pp. 334-336). ACM Publishing.

Meijer, M., Dokter, M., Boersma, C., Sadananda Bhat, A. , Bohlmeijer, E. T. , & Li, J. J. (2020). PlantBot: A Social Robot Prototype to Help with Behavioral Activation in Young People with Minor Depression. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human- Robot Interaction (HRI ’20 Companion)

Nijholt, A. (2020). Playful and Humorous Interactions in Urban Environments Made Possible with Augmented Reality Technology. In A. Brooks, & E. I. Brooks (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. ArtsIT 2019, DLI 2019: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019, and 4th EAI International Conference, DLI 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6–8, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 273-289). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 328). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2020). Real, Augmented, Virtual, and Robotic Animals in Smart and Playable Cities. In G. Di Bucchianico, C. S. Shin, S. Shim, S. Fukuda, G. Montagna, & C. Carvalho (Eds.), Advances in Industrial Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Design for Inclusion, Affective and Pleasurable Design, Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, Kansei Engineering, and Human Factors for Apparel and Textile Engineering (pp. 627-633). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 1202). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2020). Virtual and Augmented Reality Animals in Smart and Playful Cities: Invited Paper. In 2020 Joint 9th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2020 4th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR) IEEE.

Rieger, A. , Theune, M., & Tintarev, N. (Accepted/In press). Toward Natural Language Mitigation Strategies for Cognitive Biases in Recommender Systems. In J. Alonso, & A. Catala (Eds.), NL4XAI 20202nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technologyfor Explainable Artificial Intelligence Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Salim, F. A., Haider, F., Frutos-Pascual, M. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & Van Beijnum, B. J. (2020). Action modelling for interaction and analysis in smart sports and physical education. In ICMI 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 228-229). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Salim, F. A., Haider, F., Yengec Tasdemir, S. B., Naghashi, V., Tengiz, I., Cengiz, K. , Postma, D. B. W. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & van Beijnum, B-J. (2020). Volleyball Action Modelling for Behavior Analysis and Interactive Multi-modal Feedback. In eNTERFACE’19, 15th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interface Bilkent University.

Schadenberg, B. R. , Li, J. J., Petrovic, S. , Reidsma, D. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Evers, V. (2020). Helping Educators Monitor Autistic Children's Progress Across Sessions: A Needfinding Study. In HRI '20: 15th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 23-26, 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Stara, V. , de Jong, M., Felici, E., Bolliger, D., Birrer, E., von Döllen, V., Rossi, L., & Heerink, M. (2020). The design adaptation of the virtual assistant anne for moderate dementia patients and their formal caregivers in protected environment tests. In N. J. Lightner, & J. Kalra (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices - Proceedings of the AHFE International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, 2019 (pp. 270-279). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 957). Springer Verlag.

Szilas, N., De Jong, R. , & Theune, M. (2020). ExpReal: A Writing Language and System for Authoring Texts in Interactive Narrative. In G. N. Yannakakis, A. Liapis, K. Penny, V. Volz, F. Khosmood, & P. Lopes (Eds.), FDG '20: International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games [12] (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Thammasan, N., Brouwer, A-M. , Poel, M. , & van Erp, J. (2020). Interpersonal EEG synchrony while listening to a story recorded using consumer-grade EEG devices. In F. D. Davis, R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, P-M. Léger, A. Randolph, & T. Fischer (Eds.), Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2019 (pp. 253-259). (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation; Vol. 32). Springer.

Toet, A. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2020). The EmojiGrid as a Rating Tool for the Affective Appraisal of Touch. In I. Nisky, J. Hartcher-O’Brien, M. Wiertlewski, & J. Smeets (Eds.), EuroHaptics 2020: Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 12th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 6–9, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 3-11). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 12272). Springer.

Toet, A., Mioch, T., Gunkel, S. N. B. , Sallaberry, C. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Niamut, O. (2020). Holistic Quality Assessment of Mediated Immersive Multisensory Social Communication. In Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: 17th EuroVR International Conference, EuroVR 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 25–27, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 209-215). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12499). Springer.

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., Spence, C., Narumi, T., Motoki, K., Huisman, G., & Obrist, M. (2020). Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction. In ICMI 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 878-880). ACM Publishing.

Velner, E., Boersma, P., & de Graaf , M. (2020). Intonation in Robot Speech: Does it Work the Same as with People? In HRI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 569-578). ACM Publishing.

Visscher, A. , Kolkmeier, J. , Langener, S. , & van Delden, R. W. (2020). ANIM3: ANIMated ANIMals as A Numbing Immersive Mechanic. In CHI PLAY 2020 - Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 393-397)

de Vries, R. A. J., Keizers, G. H. J., van Arum, S. R. , Haarman, J. A. M. , Klaassen, R. , van Delden, R. W. , van Beijnum, B-J. F. , & van den Boer, J. H. W. (2020). Multimodal Interactive Dining with the Sensory Interactive Table: Two Use Cases. In ICMI '20 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction ACM Press.

ter Stal, S. , Catala, A. , Theune, M. , & Reidsma, D. (2020). Designing a smart toy interactive setting for creating stories: From free play to story structure and reflection support. In A. Brooks, & E. I. Brooks (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019, and 4th EAI International Conference, DLI 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6–8, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 601-610). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST; Vol. 328 LNICST). Springer Singapore.

van 't Klooster, J-W. , Giebels, E. , Slijkhuis, P. J. H. , Langener, S. , Nijen Es, L. , Beerlage-de Jong, N. , & van Gemert-Pijnen, L. (2020). Research on the road using the ExperiVan. In Supporting Health by Technology: Supporting Health by Technology International Conference 11-6-2020: Abstract book (pp. 44-44). University of Twente.

van Beers, J. J. , Stuldreher, I. V. , Thammasan, N., & Brouwer, A-M. (2020). A Comparison between Laboratory and Wearable Sensors in the Context of Physiological Synchrony. In K. Truong, D. Heylen, & M. Czerwinski (Eds.), ICMI '20 - Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 604-608). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

van Delden, R. W., Bergsma, S., Vogel, K. , Postma, D. B. W. , & Reidsma, D. (2020). VR4VRT: Virtual Reality for Virtual Rowing Training. In CHI PLAY 2020 - Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 388-392)

van Delden, R. W. , Plass - Oude Bos, D., de With, V., Vogel, K. , Klaassen, R., Zwart, N., Faber, J., Thio, B. , & van der Kamp, M. R. (2020). SpiroPlay, a Suite of Breathing Games for Spirometry by Kids & Experts. In CHI PLAY 2020 - Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 400-413). (CHI PLAY 2020 - Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play). ACM Publishing.

van Stegeren, J. , & Theune, M. (Accepted/In press). Fantastic strings and where to find them: The quest for high-quality video game text corpora. In Proceedings of the 12th Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT) workshop CEUR.

van Waterschoot, J., Hendrickx, I., Khan, A., Klabbers, E., de Korte, M., Strik, H., Cucchiarini, C. , & Theune, M. (2020). BLISS: An agent for collecting spoken dialogue data about health and well-being. In N. Calzolari, F. Bechet, P. Blache, K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, & S. Piperidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020) (pp. 449-458). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Digital or Visual Products


Li, J. J., & Planting, J. (2020). How Culture and Presence of a Robot Affect Teachers’ Use of Touch with Autistic Children. 15th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2020 (Canceled), Cambridge, United Kingdom.


Beenhakker, L. , Salim, F. , Postma, D. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D. , & van Beijnum, B-J. (2020). How Good is Good Enough? The Impact of Errors in Single Person Action Classification on the Modeling of Group Interactions in Volleyball. 278. Paper presented at 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2020, Virtual, Online, Netherlands.

Huizing, G. H. , Klaassen, R. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2020). Multi-Perspective Persuasion by a Council of Virtual Coaches. Paper presented at 8th International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems, BCSS 2020, Aalborg, Denmark.

Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Murgia, E., Aliannejadi, M., & Pera, M. S. (Accepted/In press). Somehwere over the Rainbow: Exploring the Sense of Relevance in Children. Paper presented at 32nd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE 2021, Siena, Italy.

Li, J. , Davison, D. , Schadenberg, B. , Chevalier, P., Alcorn, A., Williams, A., Petrovic, S., Dimitrijevic, S. B., Shen, J., Pellicano, L. , & Evers, V. (2020). Usability of a Robot's Realistic Facial Expressions and Peripherals in Autistic Children's Therapy. Paper presented at 2nd Workshop on Social Robots in Therapy and Care 2019, Daegu, Korea, Republic of.

Lusi, B. , van Lotringen, C. M. , Klaassen, R. , Ludden, G. D. S. , & Noordzij, M. L. (2020). Design for compassion: designing robots for e-mental healthcare. Paper presented at 1st International Workshop on Designerly HRI Knowledge 2020, .

Mader, A. H. , Fehnker, A. , & Dertien, E. C. (2020). Tinkering in Informatics as Teaching Method. 450-457. Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2020, .


Haarman, J. A. M. (2020). Healthy Loads & Happy LEDs: An interactive dining table to capture eating behavior in a social setting. Poster session presented at Alice & Eve 2020, Enschede, Netherlands.


Article (contribution to journal)

Alcorn, A. M., Ainger, E., Charisi, V., Mantinioti, S., Petrovic, S. , Schadenberg, B. R., Tavassoli, T., & Pellicano, E. (2019). Educators' Views on Using Humanoid Robots With Autistic Learners in Special Education Settings in England. Frontiers in robotics and AI, 1-15.

Araque, O. , Gatti, L., Staiano, J., & Guerini, M. (2019). DepecheMood++: a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques. IEEE transactions on affective computing.

Brouwer, A. M., Hogervorst, M. A. , van Erp, J. B. F., Grootjen, M., van Dam, E., & Zandstra, E. H. (2019). Measuring cooking experience implicitly and explicitly: Physiology, facial expression and subjective ratings. Food quality and preference, 78, [103726].

Huggins, J. E., Guger, C., Aarnoutse, E., Allison, B., Anderson, C. W., Bedrick, S., Besio, W., Chavarriaga, R., Collinger, J. L., Do, A. H., Herff, C., Hohmann, M., Kinsella, M., Lee, K., Lotte, F., Müller-Putz, G. , Nijholt, A., Pels, E., Peters, B., ... Zander, T. (2019). Workshops of the seventh international brain-computer interface meeting: not getting lost in translation. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 6(3), 71-101.

Kaneko, D., Hogervorst, M., Toet, A. , van Erp, J. B. F., Kallen, V., & Brouwer, A. M. (2019). Explicit and implicit responses to tasting drinks associated with different tasting experiences. Sensors (Switzerland), 19(20), [4397].

Li, J. J., Cuadra, A., Mok, B., Reeves, B., Kaye, J., & Ju, W. (2019). Communicating Dominance in a Nonanthropomorphic Robot Using Locomotion. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 8(1), [4].

Tinga, A. M., Nyklíček, I. , Jansen, M-P., de Back, T. T., & Louwerse, M. M. (2019). Respiratory Biofeedback Does Not Facilitate Lowering Arousal in Meditation Through Virtual Reality. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 44(1), 51-59.

Toet, A. , Kaneko, D., de Kruijf, I., Ushiama, S., van Schaik, M. G., Brouwer, A-M., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2019). CROCUFID: a cross-cultural food image database for research on food elicited affective responses. Frontiers in psychology, 10, [58].

Toet, A., Van Schaik, M. G. , Kaneko, D. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2019). Do food cinemagraphs evoke stronger appetitive responses than stills? International Journal of Food Design, 4(1), 63-83.

Book/Film/Article review


Duijvenbode, N. V. , VanDerNagel, J. E. L., & Didden, R. (2019). Alcohol (Mis)Use in Individuals With Mild to Borderline Intellectual Disability. In V. R. Preedy (Ed.), Neuroscience of Alcohol: Mechanisms and Treatment (pp. 307-314). Elsevier.

Gatti, L., Özbal, G., Guerini, M., Stock, O., & Strapparava, C. (2019). Computer-Supported Human Creativity and Human-Supported Computer Creativity in Language. In T. Veale, & F. A. Cardoso (Eds.), Computational Creativity: The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems (pp. 237-254). (Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2019). City Residents as Videogame Characters in Smart Urban Environments. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Making Smart Cities More Playable: Exploring Playable Cities (pp. 355-377). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2019). Introduction: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Brain Art: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression (pp. 1-29). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2019). Playful Introduction on “Making Smart Cities More Playable”. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Making Smart Cities More Playable: Exploring Playable Cities (pp. 1-22). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Nijholt, A., & Chisik, Y. (2019). Animals and the (Playable) City: A Critical Perspective. In ACI'19: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction: Haifa Israel, November 2019 [19] ACM Publishing.

VanDerNagel, J. E. L., van Duijvenbode, N., & Didden, R. (2019). Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol‐Related Offending Behaviour. In W. R. Lindsay, L. A. Craig, & D. Griffiths (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on What Works for Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Evidence‐Based Approach to Theory, Assessment, and Treatment Wiley.

de Vries, R. A. J. , Truong, K. P. , Kim, J. , & Evers, V. (2019). “You Can Do It!” - Crowdsourcing Motivational Speech and Text Messages. In Macrotask Crowdsourcing: Engaging the Crowds to Address Complex Problems (pp. 217-231). (Human–Computer Interaction Series). Springer.

Conference contribution

Broekens, J., & Dai, L. (2019). A TDRL Model for the Emotion of Regret. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2019 [8925441] IEEE.

Dai, L., Broekens, J. , & Truong, K. P. (2019). Real-time pain detection in facial expressions for health robotics. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW) (pp. 277-283). IEEE.

Dudzik, B. , Jansen, M-P., Burger, F., Kaptein, F., Broekens, J. , Heylen, D. K. J., Hung, H., Neerincx, M. , & Truong, K. P. (2019). Context in Human Emotion Perception for Automatic Affect Detection: A Survey of Audiovisual Databases. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 206-212). (International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII); Vol. 2019). IEEE.

Haider, F. , Salim, F., Naghashi, V., Yengec Tasdemir, S. B., Tengiz, I., Cengiz, K. , Postma, D. , Van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D. , van Beijnum, B-J., & Luz, S. (2019). Evaluation of dominant and non-dominant hand movements for volleyball action modelling. In ICMI '19: Adjunct of the 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction [8] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Huibers, T., Fails, J. A., Kucirkova, N., Landoni, M., Murgia, E., & Pera, M. S. (2019). 3rd KidRec workshop: What does good look like? In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC 2019 (pp. 681-688). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Jansen, M-P. (2019). Communicative Signals and Social Contextual Factors in Multimodal Affect Recognition. In W. Gao, H. M. L. Meng, M. Turk, & S. R. Fussell (Eds.), ICMI '19: 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 468-472). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Kantharaju, R. B., Pease, A. , Reidsma, D., Pelachaud, C., Snaith, M. , Bruijnes, M. , Klaassen, R. , Beinema, T. , Huizing, G. , Simonetti, D. , Heylen, D. , & op den Akker, H. (2019). Integrating argumentation with social conversation between multiple virtual coaches. In IVA 2019 - Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 203-205). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Keelawat, P. , Thammasan, N., Kijsirikul, B., & Numao, M. (2019). Subject-Independent Emotion Recognition During Music Listening Based on EEG Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In 2019 IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA) (pp. 21-26). IEEE.

Kließ, M. S. , Stoelinga, M. , & van Riemsdijk, M. B. (2019). From Good Intentions to Behaviour Change: Probabilistic Feature Diagrams for Behaviour Support Agents. In M. Baldoni, M. Dastani, B. Liao, Y. Sakurai, & R. Zalila-Wenkstern (Eds.), PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: 22nd International Conference, Turin, Italy, October 28-31, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 354-369). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11873). Springer.

Koopman, R. , & Wang, S. (2019). A two-step approach toward subject prediction. In G. Catalano, C. Daraio, M. Gregori, H. F. Moed, & G. Ruocco (Eds.), 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019 - Proceedings: 2-5 September 2019 Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (Vol. I, pp. 1038-1043). International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics.

Krom, B. N., Catoire, M., Toet, A., van Dijk, R. J. E. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2019). Effects of Likeness and Synchronicity on the Ownership Illusion over a Moving Virtual Robotic Arm and Hand. In 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, WHC 2019 (pp. 49-54). [8816112] IEEE.

Landoni, M., Matteri, D., Murgia, E. , Huibers, T., & Pera, M. S. (2019). Sonny, Cerca! Evaluating the Impact of Using a Vocal Assistant to Search at School. In F. Crestani, M. Braschler, J. Savoy, A. Rauber, H. Müller, D. E. Losada, G. Heinatz Bürki, L. Cappellato, & N. Ferro (Eds.), Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 10th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, September 9-12, 2019. Proceedings (pp. 101-113). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11696). Springer.

Landoni, M., Murgia, E. , Huibers, T., & Pera, M. S. (2019). My Name is Sonny, How May I help You Searching for Information? In IDC '19: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Lee, H. R., Cheon, E. , De Graaf, M., Alves-Oliveira, P. , Zaga, C., & Young, J. (2019). Robots for Social Good: Exploring Critical Design for HRI. In 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (pp. 681-682). [8673130] IEEE Computer Society.

Lee, W. Y., Hou, Y. T. Y. , Zaga, C., & Jung, M. (2019). Design for Serendipitous Interaction: BubbleBot - Bringing People Together with Bubbles. In 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (pp. 759-760). [8673265] IEEE Computer Society.

Melgar-Estrada, L., Koolen, M., Beelen, K., Huurdeman, H., Wigham, M., Martinez-Ortiz, C., Blom, J. , & Ordelman, R. (2019). The CLARIAH Media Suite: A Hybrid Approach to System Design in the Humanities. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 373-377). ACM Siggraph.

Murgia, E., Landoni, M. , Huibers, T. W. C., Fails, J. A., & Pera, M. S. (2019). The Seven Layers of Complexity of Recommender Systems for Children in Educational Contexts. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Recommendation in Complex Scenarios (pp. 5-9). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2449). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Murgia, E., Landoni, M., Pera, M. S. , & Huibers, T. (2019). When will the promises of search technology in the classroom come trur? In ICERI2019 Proceedings: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 11-13 November, 2019, Seville, Spain (pp. 10409-10415). (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI); Vol. 2019). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).

Nazareth, D. S., Burghardt, C., Capra, A., Cristoforetti, P., Lam, W. , van Waterschoot, J. B. , Westerhof, G. J. , & Truong, K. P. (2019). Babbelbord: A personalized conversational game for people with dementia. In R. Brankaert (Ed.), Dementia Lab 2019. Making Design Work: Engaging with Dementia in Context: 4th Conference, D-Lab 2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 21–22, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 169-173). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1117).

Nazareth, D. S. , Jansen, M-P. , Truong, K. P. , Westerhof, G. J. , & Heylen, D. (2019). MEMOA: Introducing the Multi-Modal Emotional Memories of Older Adults Database. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 697). (International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII); Vol. 2013). IEEE.

Nazareth, D. S., Tournier, E., Leimkötter, S., Janse, E. , Heylen, D. , Westerhof, G. J. , & Truong, K. P. (2019). An acoustic and lexical analysis of emotional valence in spontaneous speech: Autobiographical memory recall in older adults. In Proceedings Interspeech 2019 (pp. 3287-3291). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Neidlinger, K. L., Toussaint, L. , Dertien, E. C. , Truong, K. P. , Hermens, H. J. , & Evers, V. (2019). Emotional prosthesis for animating awe through performative biofeedback. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '19) (pp. 312-317)

Nijholt, A. (2019). Smart, Affective, and Playable Cities. In A. L. Brooks, E. Brooks, & C. Sylla (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation - 7th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2018, and 3rd EAI International Conference, DLI 2018, ICTCC 2018, Proceedings (pp. 163-168). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST; Vol. 265). Springer Verlag.

Nijholt, A. (2019). Stand-up Comedy and Humor by Robots. In L. Ruiz Miyares (Ed.), Proceedings Sixteenth International Symposium on Social Communication: Comunicación Social: Lingüística, Medios Masivos, Arte, Etnología, Folclor y otras ciencias afines (pp. 228-234). Centro de Lingüística Aplicada.

Postma, D. , Van Delden, R., Walinga, W., Koekoek, J. , van Beijnum, B-J. , Salim, F. A., Van Hilvoorde, I. , & Reidsma, D. (2019). Towards smart sports exercises: First designs. In CHI PLAY '19 Extended Abstracts: Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts (pp. 619-630). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Salim, F., Haider, F., Tasdemir, S. B. Y., Naghashi, V., Tengiz, I., Cengiz, K. , Postma, D. , Van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & van Beijnum, B-J. (2019). A searching and automatic video tagging tool for events of interest during volleyball training sessions. In ICMI 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 501-503). ACM Publishing.

Schadenberg, B. R. (2019). Predictability in Human-Robot Interactions for Autistic Children. In 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (pp. 748-750). IEEE.

Stuldreher, I. V., de Winter, J. C. F. , Thammasan, N., & Brouwer, A-M. (2019). Analytic approaches for the combination of autonomic and neural activity in the assessment of physiological synchrony. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 4143-4148). (IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC); Vol. 2019). IEEE.

Thammasan, N. , Stuldreher, I., Wismeijer, D. , Poel, M. , van Erp, J., & Brouwer, A-M. (2019). A novel, simple and objective method to detect movement artefacts in electrodermal activity. In 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2019 (pp. 371-377). [8925512] (International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII); Vol. 2019). IEEE.

Toet, A., Heijn, F., Brouwer, A-M., Mioch, T. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2019). The EmojiGrid as an Immersive Self-report Tool for the Affective Assessment of 360 VR Videos. In P. Bourdot, V. Interrante, L. Nedel, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, & G. Zachmann (Eds.), Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: 16th EuroVR International Conference, EuroVR 2019, Tallinn, Estonia, October 23–25, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 330-335). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11883). Springer.

Truong, K. P., Trouvain, J. , & Jansen, M-P. (2019). Towards an annotation scheme for complex laughter in speech corpora. In Interspeech 2019 (pp. 529-533). ISCA.

Verhoeven, G. , Catala, A. , & Theune, M. (2019). Designing a playful robot application for second language learning. In A. L. Brooks, E. Brooks, & C. Sylla (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 7th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2018, and 3rd EAI International Conference, DLI 2018, ICTCC 2018, Braga, Portugal, October 24–26, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 385-394). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 265). Springer.

Vroon, J. , Englebienne, G. , & Evers, V. (2019). Detecting perceived appropriateness of a robot's social positioning behavior from non-verbal cues. In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE 1st International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence, CogMI 2019 (pp. 216-225). [8998780] IEEE.

Wang, S., Koopman, R. , & Englebienne, G. (2019). Non-Parametric Subject Prediction. In A. Doucet, A. Isaac, K. Golub, T. Aalberg, & A. Jatowt (Eds.), Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge: 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2019, Oslo, Norway, September 9-12, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 312-326). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11799). Springer.

Wigham, M., Melgar Estrada, L. , & Ordelman, R. J. F. (2019). Jupyter Notebooks for Generous Archive Interfaces. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

de Jong, M., Hettinga, M., Stara, V. , Evers, V. , & Li, J. J. (2019). Eldertainment or functional necessity? How virtual agents affect the home lives of people with dementia using the Quality of Life (QOL-AD) scale. In UbiComp/ISWC '19 Adjunct Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 41-44)

van Delden, R. , de Vries, R. A. J. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2019). Questioning Our Attitudes and Feelings Towards Persuasive Technology. In H. Oinas-Kukkonen, K. Than Win, E. Karapanos, P. Karppinen, & E. Kyza (Eds.), Persuasive Technology: Development of Persuasive and Behavior Change Support Systems: 14th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2019, Limassol, Cyprus, April 9–11, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 3-15). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 11433). Springer.

van Stegeren, J. , & Theune, M. (2019). Churnalist: Fictional Headline Generation for Context-appropriate Flavor Text. In K. Grace, M. Cook, D. Ventura, & M. L. Maher (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity (pp. 65-72). Association for Computational Creativity.

van Stegeren, J. , & Theune, M. (2019). Narrative Generation in the Wild: Methods from NaNoGenMo. In F. Ferraro, T-H. K. Huang, S. Lukin, & M. Mitchell (Eds.), Storytelling: Proceedings of the Second Workshop, August 1, 2019, Florence Italy (pp. 65-74). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

van Stegeren, J. , & Theune, M. (2019). Remixing Headlines for Context-Appropriate Flavor Text. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference On Games (COG) 2019 [156] IEEE.


Nijholt, A. (2019). Preface. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Brain Art: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression (pp. vii-ix). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2019). Preface. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Making Smart Cities More Playable: Exploring Playable Cities (pp. v-vi). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.


Enendu, S., Scholtes, J., Smeets, J. , Hiemstra, D. , & Theune, M. (2019). Predicting semantic labels of text regions in heterogeneous document images. 203-11. Paper presented at 15th Conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2019, Erlangen, Germany.

Huibers, T. , & Westerveld, T. (2019). Relevance and utility in an educational search environment. Paper presented at 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems, KidRec 2019, Boise, United States.

Huizing, G. H. , Klaassen, R. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2019). Designing and Developing Lifelike, Engaging Lifestyle Coaching Agents and Scenarios for Multiparty Coaching Interaction. Paper presented at 2018 AAMAS Workshop on Intelligent Conversation Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications, ICAHGCA 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.

Li, J. J., Sirkin, D. , van Erp, J. , & van Riemsdijk, B. (2019). Closeness with Robots as Social Partners. 691-692. Paper presented at 14th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2019, Daegu, Korea, Republic of.

Papenmeier, A. , Englebienne, G. , & Seifert, C. (2019). How model accuracy and explanation fidelity influence user trust in AI. Paper presented at IJCAI Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) 2019, Macau, China.


Araque, O. , Gatti, L., & Kalimeri, K. (2019). MoralStrength: Exploiting a moral lexicon and embedding similarity for moral foundations prediction. Poster session presented at 3rd European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.

Salim, F. A. , Reidsma, D. , & van Delden, R. (2019). Modeling Behavior of Volleyball Players For Analysis and Interactive Multimodal Feedback. Poster session presented at 6th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, ICAMPAM 2019, Maastricht, Netherlands.

de Vries, R. A. J. , & Haarman, J. A. M. (2019). Pride and Prejudice: Tackling chronic disease prevention through real-life monitoring and context-aware intervention design. Poster session presented at 1st European Conference on Personalised Nutrition & Health, PNH 2019, Wageningen, Netherlands.



Brouwer, A-M., Hogervorst, M. A. , van Erp, J. B. F., van Dam, E., Brooks, J. R., Grootjen, M., & Zandstra, E. H. (2018). Improving real-life, heart rate based estimates of emotion by taking metabolic heart rate into account : a perspective and an example in cooking. Abstract from 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference 2018, Philadelphia, United States.

Pham, T. N. , Zhang, L., Shi, D., Komarneni, M. R. , Ruiz-Ramiro, M. P., Resasco, D. , & Faria, J. (2018). Leveraging interstitial boron atoms to tailor the acid-base properties of MgO for selective aldol-condensation of acetaldehyde. CATL 504. Abstract from 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, United States.

Article (contribution to journal)

Cameron, D., Millings, A., Fernando, S., Collins, E. C., Moore, R. K., Sharkey, A. , Evers, V., & Prescott, A. (2018). The effects of robot facial emotional expressions and gender on child-robot interaction in a field study. Connection science, 30(4), 343-361.

Georgakis, C., Panagakis, Y. , & Pantic, M. (2018). Dynamic Behavior Analysis via Structured Rank Minimization. International journal of computer vision, 126(2-4), 333-357.

Klaassen, R., Bul, K. , op den Akker, H. J. A., van der Burg, G. J., Kato, P. M., & Di Bitonto, P. (2018). Design and Evaluation of a Pervasive Coaching and Gamification Platform for Young Diabetes Patients. Sensors (Switzerland), 18(2), [402].

Nait Aicha, A. , Englebienne, G., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2018). Continuous measuring of the indoor walking speed of older adults living alone. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 9(3), 589-599.

Nijholt, A. (2018). Les interfaces cerveau-machine. Sciences Psy, 2018(13), 56-59.

Ruiz, A., Rudovic, O., Binefa, X. , & Pantic, M. (2018). Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly Supervised Facial Behavior Analysis. IEEE transactions on image processing, 27(8), 3969-3982.

Tinga, A. M., Jansen, C., van der Smagt, M. J., Nijboer, T. C. W. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). Inducing circular vection with tactile stimulation encircling the waist. Acta psychologica, 182, 32-38.

Toet, A. , Kaneko, D., Ushiama, S., Hoving, S., de Kruijf, I., Brouwer, A-M., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). EmojiGrid: A 2D Pictorial Scale for the Assessment of Food Elicited Emotions. Frontiers in psychology, 9, [2396].

Toet, A. , van Erp, J. B. F. , Boertjes, E. M., & van Buuren, S. (Accepted/In press). Graphical uncertainty representations for ensemble predictions. Information visualization, 18(4), 373-383.

Book editing

Bach Tobji, M. A., Jallouli, R., Koubaa, Y. , & Nijholt, A. (Eds.) (2018). Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation: Third International Conference, ICDEc 2018, Brest, France, May 3-5, 2018. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 325). Springer.

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., & Karunanayaka, K. (Eds.) (2018). Multi-Sensory Human-Food Interaction. Frontiers Media S.A.


Bach Tobji, M. A., Jallouli, R., Koubaa, Y. , & Nijholt, A. (2018). Preface. In M. A. Bach Tobji, R. Jallouli, Y. Koubaa, & A. Nijholt (Eds.), Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation: Third International Conference, ICDEc 2018, Brest, France, May 3-5, 2018, Proceedings (pp. V-VI). ( Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 325). Springer.

Lotte, F., Nam, C. S. , & Nijholt, A. (2018). Introduction: Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces. In C. S. Nam, A. Nijholt, & F. Lotte (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances (pp. 1-8). CRC Press.

Nam, C. S., Lotte, F. , & Nijholt, A. (2018). Conclusion: Moving Forward in Brain-Computer Interfaces. In C. S. Nam, A. Nijholt, & F. Lotte (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances (pp. 725). CRC Press.

Nijholt, A. (2018). Multi-Brain Computing: BCI Monitoring and Real-Time Decision Making. In H. Ayaz, & F. Dehais (Eds.), Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life (pp. 243). Elsevier.

Nijholt, A., Nam, C. S., & Lotte, F. (2018). Preface. In C. S. Nam, A. Nijholt, & F. Lotte (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances (pp. xiii). CRC Press.

Snaith, M. , op den Akker, H. , Beinema, T. C. , Bruijnes, M., Fides-Valero, Á. , Huizing, G. H., Kantharaju, R. , Klaassen, R. , Konsolakis, K. , Reidsma, D. , & Weusthof, M. H. H. (2018). A Demonstration of Multi-Party Dialogue Using Virtual Coaches: The First Council of Coaches Demonstrator. In S. Modgil, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence, & K. Budzynska (Eds.), Computational Models of Argument (pp. 473-474). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 305). IOS Press.

van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). Brain–Computer Interfaces and Haptics: A Literature Review. In Brain–Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances (1st ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Conference article

Pelikan, H., Cheatle, A., Jung, M., & Jackson, S. (2018). Operating at a Distance-How a Teleoperated Surgical Robot Reconfigures Teamwork in the Operating Room. ACM Proceedings on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), [138].

Conference contribution

Aakster, Y. , van Delden, R., & Lentelink, S. (2018). Lost puppy: Towards a playful intervention for wandering dementia patients. In A. D. Cheok, M. Inami, & T. Romao (Eds.), Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology: 14th International Conference, ACE 2017, Proceedings (pp. 84-102). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10714 LNCS). Springer.

Bunt, H., Gilmartin, E., Keizer, S., Pelachaud, C., Petukhova, V., Prévot, L. , & Theune, M. (2018). Downward compatible revision of dialogue annotation. In Proceedings of the 14th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (pp. 21-34). [W18-4703] Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Canavan, S. J., Andujar, M., Yin, L. , Nijholt, A., & Schotter, E. (2018). Ubiquitous Emotion Recognition with Multimodal Mobile Interfaces. In UbiComp/ISWC 2018 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 937-941). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Catala, A., Sylla, C. , Theune, M., Brooks, E., & Read, J. C. (2018). Rethinking children's co-creation processes beyond the design of TUIs. In IDC 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 733-740). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Catoire, M., Krom, B. N. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). Towards a Test Battery to Benchmark Dexterous Performance in Teleoperated Systems. In D. Prattichizzo, H. Shinoda, H. Z. Tan, E. Ruffaldi, & A. Frisoli (Eds.), Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications: 11th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2018, Pisa, Italy, June 13-16, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 440-451). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10894 LNCS). Springer.

Gatti, L., van der Lee, C. , & Theune, M. (2018). Template-based multilingual football reports generation using Wikidata as a knowledge base. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (pp. 183-188). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

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Jansen, M-P. , Heylen, D. K. J. , Truong, K. P. , Nazareth, D. S. , & Englebienne, G. (2018). The MULAI Corpus: Multimodal Recordings of Spontaneous Laughter in Dyadic Interaction. In J. Ginzburg, & C. Pelachaud (Eds.), Proceedings of Laughter Workshop 2018 (pp. 58-63)

Kolkmeier, J., Harmsen, E., Giesselink, S. , Reidsma, D. , Theune, M. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2018). With a Little Help from a Holographic Friend: The OpenIMPRESS Mixed Reality Telepresence Toolkit for Remote Collaboration Systems. In S. N. Spencer (Ed.), VRST'18: Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp. 1-11). [3281542] ACM Press.

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Neidlinger, K. L., Willson, C. , Truong, K. P. , Hermens, H. J. , & Evers, V. (2018). Nanogami: The microbiome expanded. Speak your truth. Listen to your gut. In ISWC'18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 295-300). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Niculescu, A. I., Wadhwa, B. , & Nijholt, A. (2018). Designing Humour in Interaction: A Design Experience. In N. Streitz, & S. Konomi (Eds.), Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Technologies and Contexts - 6th International Conference, DAPI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Proceedings (pp. 327-336). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10922 LNCS). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2018). From Word Play to World Play: Introducing Humor in Human-Computer Interaction. In Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE'18) [1] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Nijholt, A. (2018). Playable Cities for Children? In S. Fukuda (Ed.), Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design, July 21-25, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida, USA (pp. 14-20). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 774). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2018). Robotic Stand-up Comedy: State-of-the-Art. In N. Streitz, & S. Konomi (Eds.), Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Understanding Humans - 6th International Conference, DAPI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Proceedings (pp. 391-410). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10921). Springer.

Nijholt, A., Jacob, R. J. K., Andujar, M., Yuksel, B. F., & Leslie, G. (2018). Brain-Computer Interfaces for Artistic Expression. In CHI 2018 - Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Engage with CHI (Vol. 2018-April). [W22] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Nijholt, A., Velasco, C., Obrist, M., Okajima, K., & Spence, C. (2018). 3rd International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction. In ICMI 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 657-659). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ordelman, R. J. F., Melgar Estrada, L., Martínez Ortíz, C., & Noordegraaf, J. (2018). Media Suite: Unlocking Archives for Mixed Media Scholarly Research. In I. Skadina, & M. Eskevich (Eds.), CLARIN 2018 Annual Conference (pp. 21-25)

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Reidsma, D. , & van Delden, R. (2018). Towards an Interactive-Movement-Learning Movement. In M. Ciussi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 532-539).

Rybarczyk, Y., & Kleine Deters, J. (2018). Evaluation of Self-Rehabilitation Movements by Hidden Markov Model. In P. Angelov, T. Yildirim, L. Iliadis, & Y. Manolopoulos (Eds.), 2018 IEEE (SMC) International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, INISTA 2018 [8466285] IEEE.

Rybarczyk, Y., Kleine Deters, J., Gonzalo, A. A., Esparza, D., Gonzalez, M., Villarreal, S., & Nunes, I. L. (2018). Recognition of Physiotherapeutic Exercises Through DTW and Low-Cost Vision-Based Motion Capture. In I. L. Nunes (Ed.), Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction - Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors and Systems Interaction, 2017 (pp. 348-360). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 592). Springer Verlag.

Saeed, A., Ozcelebi, T., Lukkien, J. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Trajanovski, S. (2018). Model Adaptation and Personalization for Physiological Stress Detection. In 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (pp. 209-216). IEEE.

Schadenberg, B. R. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Evers, V. (2018). Affect bursts to constrain the meaning of the facial expressions of the humanoid robot Zeno. In C. Tsiourti, S. Hanke, & L. Santos (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the Workshop on Social Interaction and Multimodal Expression for Socially Intelligent Robots and the Workshop on the Barriers of Social Robotics take-up by Society (pp. 30-39). CEUR.

Suvei, S. D. , Vroon, J., Somoza Sanchéz, V. V., Bodenhagen, L. , Englebienne, G., Krüger, N. , & Evers, V. (2018). “I would like to get close to you”: Making robot personal space invasion less intrusive with a social gaze cue. In M. Antona, & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual, Augmented, and Intelligent Environments - 12th International Conference, UAHCI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Proceedings (pp. 366-385). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10908 LNCS). Springer Verlag.

Tobji, M. A. B., Jallouli, R. , Nijholt, A., & Koubaa, Y. (2018). Preface. In M. A. B. Tobji, R. Jallouli, Y. Koubaa, & A. Nijholt (Eds.), Digital Economy - Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation: Third International Conference, ICDEc 2018, Brest, France, May 3-5, 2018, Proceedings (pp. V-VI). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 325). Springer.

Van Delden, R. , & Reidsma, D. (2018). Automatic measurements of a leisure activity for people with profound disabilities. In F. Sieverink, R. Klaassen, R. van Delden, J. Wentzel, L. van Gemert-Pijnen, D. Heylen, & H. Oinas-Kukkonen (Eds.), BCSS 2018. Behavior Change Support Systems (pp. 48-59). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2102).

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., Obrist, M., Okajima, K., & Spence, C. (2018). Message from the chairs. In A. Nijholt, C. Velasco, M. Obrist, K. Okajima, & C. Spence (Eds.), MHFI'18: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Vereecken, R., Petridis, S., Panagakis, Y. , & Pantic, M. (2018). Online attention for interpretable conflict estimation in political debates. In 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2018 (pp. 389-393). IEEE.

de Jong, R. , & Theune, M. (2018). Going Dutch: Creating SimpleNLG-NL. In E. Krahmer, A. Gatt, & M. Goudbeek (Eds.), Proceedings of The 11th International Natural Language Generation Conference (pp. 73-78). [W18-6508] Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

van Stegeren , J. , & Theune, M. (2018). Towards generating textual game assets from real-world data. In S. Deterding, M. Khandaker, S. Risi, J. Font, S. Dahlskog, C. Salge, & C. M. Olsson (Eds.), FDG '18: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games [43] Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

van Waterschoot, J. B., Dubuisson Duplessis, G. , Gatti, L. , Bruijnes, M. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2018). HAI Alice - An Information-Providing Closed-Domain Dialog Corpus. In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, C. Cieri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, K. Hasida, H. Isahara, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis, & T. Tokunaga (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) (11 ed., pp. 2746-2752). [429] European Language Resources Association (ELRA).


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Bruijnes, M., & Falcone, S. (2018). The Embodied Debate Corpus – Proposed corpus recordings of multi-party multi-embodiment multi-measure debates. Paper presented at 1st workshop on Methodology and the Evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (ME-IVA) at the Intelligent Virtual Agent conference (IVA2018), Sydney, Australia.

Snaith, M., Bedsted, B., Kotnis, S. R., Nielsen, R. Ø. , Beinema, T. C. , Klaassen, R., & Pease, A. (2018). Challenges in argumentation and dialogue for autonomous, multi-party health coaching. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument 2018, Warsaw, Poland.

van Rees, H. , Mader, A. H., Smits, M. , Ludden, G. D. S., & Lamontagne, V. (2018). Textile waste and haptic feedback for wearable robotics. 1775-1786. Paper presented at Design Research Society 2018, Limerick, Ireland.


Kaneko, D., Toet, A., Ushiama, S., Hoving, S., Kruijf, I., Brouwer, A. M., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). EmojiGrid: a pictorial single-item scale for the assessment of food elicited pleasure and arousal. Poster session presented at Eighth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research 2018, Verona, Italy.

Kaneko, D., Toet, A., Ushiama, S., de Kruijff, I., van Schaik, M., Brouwer, A. M., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). CROCUFID: A cross-cultural food image database. Poster session presented at Eighth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research 2018, Verona, Italy.

Schadenberg, B. R. , Chevalier, P. , Li, J. J., Ainger, E., Alcorn, A. M., Babovic, S. , Davison, D. P. , Charisi, V., Petrovic, S. , Reidsma, D., Shen, J., Pellicano, E. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Evers, V. (2018). Design of a Robot-Based Emotion-Mirroring Game to Engage Autistic Children with Emotional Expressions. Poster session presented at The International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

de Dieuleveult, A. L., Brouwer, A. M., Siemonsma, P. C. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Brenner, E. (2018). Aging And Sensitivity To Illusory Target Motion. Poster session presented at 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology 2018, Oslo, Norway.

van Delden, R. , Klaassen, R. , Meireles Ferreira Cabrita, A. M. , Tabak, M. , Heylen, D. K. J., & Thio, B. (2018). Play In Public Spaces As Part Of Persuasive Systems (PIPSAPOPS) Keep It Simple.. Poster session presented at 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2018, Waterloo, Canada.


Review article

Kaneko, D., Toet, A., Brouwer, A. M., Kallen, V. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2018). Methods for evaluating emotions evoked by food experiences: A literature review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9(JUN), [911].


Article (contribution to journal)

Brouwer, A-M., Hogervorst, M. A., Grootjen, M. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Zandstra, E. H. (2017). Neurophysiological responses during cooking food associated with different emotions. Food quality and preference, 62, 307-316.

Cheng, S., Marras, I., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Statistical non-rigid ICP algorithm and its application to 3D face alignment. Image and vision computing, 58, 3-12.

Eleftheriadis, S., Rudovic, O., Deisenroth, M. P. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Gaussian Process Domain Experts for Modeling of Facial Affect. IEEE transactions on image processing, 26(10), 4697-4711. [7961231].

Georgakis, C., Panagakis, Y., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). The Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database. Image and vision computing, 65, 37-48.

Groen, F. C. A., Pavlin, G., Winterboer, A. , & Evers, V. (2017). A hybrid approach to decision making and information fusion: Combining humans and artificial agents. Robotics and autonomous systems, 90(April 2017), 71-85.

Hu, N. , Englebienne, G., Lou, Z., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2017). Learning to Recognize Human Activities Using Soft Labels. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 39(10), 1973-1984.

Huggins, J. E., Guger, C., Ziat, M., Zander, T. O., Taylor, D., Tangermann, M., Soria-Frisch, A., Simeral, J., Scherer, R., Rupp, R., Ruffini, G. , Robinson, D. K. R., Ramsey, N. F. , Nijholt, A., Müller-Putz, G. R., McFarland, D. J., Mattia, D., Lance, B. J., Kindermans, P-J., ... Aarnoutse, E. J. (2017). Workshops of the Sixth International Brain–Computer Interface Meeting: brain–computer interfaces past, present, and future. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4(1-2), 3-36.

Kossaifi, J., Tzimiropoulos, G. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Fast and exact Newton and Bidirectional fitting of Active Appearance Models. IEEE transactions on image processing, 26(2), 1040-1053.

Kossaifi, J., Tzimiropoulos, G., Todorovic, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). AFEW-VA database for valence and arousal estimation in-the-wild. Image and vision computing, 65, 23-36.

Nait Aicha, A. , Englebienne, G., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2017). Unsupervised visit detection in smart homes. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 34, 157-167.

Soleymani, M., Garcia, D., Jou, B., Schuller, B., Chang, S. F. , & Pantic, M. (2017). A survey of multimodal sentiment analysis. Image and vision computing, 65, 3-14.

Book editing

Jallouli, R., Zaïane, O. R. Z., Bach Tobji, M. A., Srarfi Tabbane, R. , & Nijholt, A. (Eds.) (2017). Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation: Second International Conference, ICDEc 2017, Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia, May 4–6, 2017, Proceedings. ( Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 290). Springer.

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., Obrist, M., Okajima, K., Schifferstein, R., & Spence, C. (Eds.) (2017). MHFI’17: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI InternationalWorkshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


Liao, Z., Petridis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Local Deep Neural Networks for Age and Gender Classification. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Mischief Humor in Smart and Playable Cities. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground (pp. 235-253). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Preface. In Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground (pp. vii-viii). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Towards Playful and Playable Cities. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground (pp. 1-20). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Trouvain, J. , & Truong, K. P. (2017). Laughter. In S. Attardo (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor (pp. 340-355). (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics). Routledge.

Conference contribution

Amsaleg, L. (Ed.), Eskevich, M., Guðmundsson, G. Þ. (Ed.), Larson, M. , Aly, R., Gurrin, C. (Ed.), Jónsson, B. Þ. (Ed.), Sabetghadam, S., Jones, G. J. F., Satoh, S. (Ed.) , Ordelman, R. J. F., & Huet, B. (2017). Multimodal video-to-video linking: Turning to the crowd for insight and evaluation. In Multimedia Modeling: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, MMM 2017 (pp. 280-292). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10133). Springer.

Awad, G., Butt, A. A., Fiscus, J., Joy, D., Delgado, A., Michel, M., Smeaton, A. F., Graham, Y., Kraaij, W., Quénot, G. , Ordelman, R. J. F., Jones, G. J. F., & Huet, B. (2017). Trecvid 2017: Evaluating ad-hoc and instance video search, events detection, video captioning and hyperlinking. In Proceedings of TRECVID (Vol. 2017).

Bowden, K., Nilsson, T., Spencer, C., Cengiz, K., Ghitulescu, A. , & van Waterschoot, J. B. (2017). I Probe, Therefore I Am: Designing a Virtual Journalist with Human Emotions. In K. Truong, & D. Reidsma (Eds.), Proceedings of eNTERFACE'16 - The 12th Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (02 ed., Vol. 17, pp. 47-53). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).

Brueckner, R., Schmitt, M. , Pantic, M., & Schuller, B. (2017). Spotting social signals in conversational speech over IP: A deep learning perspective. In Proceedings Interspeech 2017 (pp. 2371-2375)

Bucci, P., Cang, X. L., Valair, A., Marino, D., Tseng, L. , Jung, M. M., Rantala, J., Schneider, O. S., & MacLean, K. E. (2017). Sketching CuddleBits: Coupled Prototyping of Body and Behaviour for an Affective Robot Pet. In CHI 2017 online proceedings (pp. 3681-3692). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Cafaro, A. , Bruijnes, M. , van Waterschoot, J. B., Pelachaud, C. , Theune, M. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2017). Selecting and Expressing Communicative Functions in a SAIBA-Compliant Agent Framework. In J. Beskow, C. Peters, G. Castellano, C. O'Sullivan, I. Leite, & S. Kopp (Eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 73-82). ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10498). Springer.

Catala, A. , Theune, M. , & Heylen, D. (2017). My tablet is moving around, can I touch it? In TEI 2017 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 495-502). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Catala, A. , Theune, M. , Gijlers, H. , & Heylen, D. (2017). Storytelling as a creative activity in the classroom. In C&C '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition 2017 (pp. 237-242). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).,

Catala, A. , Theune, M. , Reidsma, D. , ter Stal, S. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2017). Exploring Children’s Use of a Remotely Controlled Surfacebot Character for Storytelling. In Y. Chisik, J. Holopainen, R. Khaled, J. L. Silva, & P. A. Silva (Eds.), Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment : 9th International Conference, INTETAIN 2017, Funchal, Portugal, June 20-22, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 120-129). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 215). Springer.

Catala, A. , Theune, M., Sylla, C., & Ribeiro, P. (2017). Bringing Together Interactive Digital Storytelling with Tangible Interaction: Challenges and Opportunities. In N. Nunes, I. Oakley, & V. Nisi (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling: 10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2017, Proceedings (pp. 395-398). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10690). Springer.

Charisi, V. , Davison, D. P. , Wijnen, F. M. , Reidsma, D. , & Evers, V. (2017). Measuring Children’s Perceptions of Robots’ Social Competence: Design and Validation. In A. Kheddar, E. Yoshida, S. S. Ge, K. Suzuki, J-J. Cabibihan, F. Eyssel, & H. He (Eds.), Social Robotics: 9th International Conference, ICSR 2017, Tsukuba, Japan, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 676-686). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 10652)..

Charisi, V., Habibovic, A., Andersson, J. , Li, J. J. , & Evers, V. (2017). Children's Views on Identification and Intention Communication of Self-driving Vehicles. In IDC '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 399-404). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Cheng, S., Kotsia, I. , Pantic, M., & Zafeiriou, S. (2017). 4DFAB: A Large Scale 4D Facial Expression Database for Biometric Applications. In R. Chellappa, Z. Zhang, & A. Hoogs (Eds.), 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition : CVPR 2017: 21-26 July 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii : proceedings IEEE.

Chevalier, P. , Li, J. J., Ainger, E., Alcorn, A. M., Babovic, S., Charisi, V., Petrovic, S. , Schadenberg, B. R., Pellicano, E. , & Evers, V. (2017). Dialogue Design for a Robot-Based Face-Mirroring Game to Engage Autistic Children with Emotional Expressions. In A. Kheddar, E. Yoshida, S. S. Ge, K. Suzuki, J-J. Cabibihan, F. Eyssel, & H. He (Eds.), Social Robotics: 9th International Conference, ICSR 2017, Tsukuba, Japan, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 546-555). ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10652). Springer.

Cruz, I., Moreira, C. , Poel, M., Ferreira, H. , & Nijholt, A. (2017). Kessel Run - A Cooperative Multiplayer SSVEP BCI Game. In Y. Chisik, J. Holopainen, R. Khaled, J. L. Silva, & P. A. Silva (Eds.), Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: 9th International Conference, INTETAIN 2017, Funchal, Portugal, June 20-22, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 77-95). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 215). Springer.

Dai, X., Oberhagemann, M. , Truong, K. P. , & Van Der Velde, F. (2017). Bridge the gap of codification and personalization strategies: Gain and lost of knowledge management of postgraduate student project meetings. In K. Liu, A. C. Salgado, J. Bernardino, J. Filipe, & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Volume 3 KMIS (pp. 247-254). SCITEPRESS.

Davison, D., Gorer, B. , Kolkmeier, J. , Linssen, J. M. , Schadenberg, B. R., van de Vijver, B., Campbell, N. , Dertien, E. , & Reidsma, D. (2017). Things that Make Robots Go HMMM : Heterogeneous Multilevel Multimodal Mixing to Realise Fluent, Multiparty, Human-Robot Interaction. In K. P. Truong, & D. Reidsma (Eds.), Proceedings of eNTERFACE '16 (pp. 6-20). Telematica Instituut / CTIT.

De Vries, R. A. J. , Zaga, C., Bayer, F. , Drossaert, C. H. C. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2017). Experts Get Me Started, Peers Keep Me Going: Comparing Crowd- versus Expert-Designed Motivational Text Messages for Exercise Behavior Change. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Edirisinghe, C. , Nijholt, A., & Cheok, A. D. (2017). From Playable to Playful: The Humorous City. In Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: 8th International Conference, INTETAIN 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 28–30, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 261-265). ( Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering ; Vol. 178). Springer.

Fotiadou, E., Panagakis, Y. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Temporal Archetypal Analysis for Action Segmentation. In Proceedings - 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2017 - 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Shot Learning for Gesture Understanding and Production, ASL4GUP 2017, Biometrics in the Wild, Bwild 2017, Heterogeneous Face Recognition, HFR 2017, Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation, DCER and HPE 2017 and 3rd Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, FERA 2017 (pp. 490-496). [7961781] IEEE.

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Han, J., Zhang, Z., Schmitt, M. , Pantic, M., & Schuller, B. (2017). From hard to soft: Towards more human-like emotion recognition by modelling the perception uncertainty. In MM 2017 - Proceedings of the 25th ACM Multimedia Conference (pp. 890-897). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Kim, J. , Englebienne, G. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2017). Deep Temporal Models using Identity Skip-Connections for Speech Emotion Recognition. In MM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Multimedia Conference (pp. 1006-1013). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Kim, J. , Englebienne, G. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2017). Towards Speech Emotion Recognition "in the wild" using Aggregated Corpora and Deep Multi-Task Learning. In Interspeech 2017: 20-24 August 2017, Stockholm (pp. 1113-1117). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Klaassen, R. , Van Delden, R. , Cabrita, M. , & Tabak, M. (2017). AIRPlay: Towards a 'breathgiving' approach. In P. Tikka, R. Klaassen, P. Karppinen, R. de Vries, R. van Delden, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, L. van Gemert-Pijnen, & D. Heylen (Eds.), BCSS 2017: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (pp. 38-45). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 1822).

Kolkmeier, J. , Bruijnes, M. , & Reidsma, D. (2017). A demonstration of the ASAP Realizer-Unity3D bridge for virtual and mixed reality applications. In J. Beskow, C. Peters, G. Castellano, C. O'Sullivan, I. Leite, & S. Kopp (Eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents : 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (Vol. 10498 LNAI, pp. 223-226). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10498 LNAI). Springer.

Kolkmeier, J. , Bruijnes, M. , Reidsma, D. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2017). An ASAP Realizer-Unity3D Bridge for Virtual and Mixed Reality Applications. In J. Beskow, C. Peters, G. Castellano, C. O'Sullivan, I. Leite, & S. Kopp (Eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 227-230). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 10498). Springer.

Kolkmeier, J., Lee, M. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2017). Moral conflicts in VR: Addressing grade disputes with a virtual trainer. In Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 231-234). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 10498). Springer.

Li, D. , & van der Veer, G. C. (2017). From Painter to Interaction Designer: The Evolution of Visual Art Things. In A. Joshi, D. K. Balkrishan, G. Dalvi, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Adjunct Proceedings INTERACT 2017 Mumbai: 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, September 25–29, 2017, Mumbai, India (pp. 139-149). Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Linssen, J. , & Theune, M. (2017). R3D3: The Rolling Receptionist Robot with Double Dutch Dialogue. In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 189-190). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Linssen, J., Berkhoff, M., Bode, M., Rens, E. , Theune, M., & Wiltenburg, D. (2017). You Can Leave Your Head On: Attention Management and Turn-Taking in Multi-party Interaction with a Virtual Human/Robot Duo. In J. Beskow, C. Peters, G. Castellano, C. O'Sullivan, I. Leite, & S. Kopp (Eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 27-30, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 251-254). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10498). Springer.

Marras, I., Nikitidis, S., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). A Joint Discriminative Generative Model for Deformable Model Construction and Classification. In 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017) (pp. 127-134). [7961732] IEEE.

Neidlinger, K. L. , Truong, K. P., Telfair, C., Feijs, L. , Dertien, E. C. , & Evers, V. (2017). AWElectric: that gave me goosebumps, did you feel it too? In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI'17) (pp. 315-324). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Nijholt, A. (2017). Designed and Accidental Humor in the Smart Digital Wild. In L. Ruiz Miyares (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Social Communication: ISSC 2017 (pp. 310-317). (Nuevos estudios sobre Comunicación Social). Centro de Lingüística Aplicada.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Humans as Avatars in Smart and Playable Cities. In 2017 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) (pp. 190-193). IEEE.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Humor Facilitation in Smart Workplaces. In A. Joshi, D. K. Balkrishan, G. Dalvi, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Adjunct Proceedings INTERACT 2017 Mumbai: 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, September 25–29, 2017, Mumbai, India (pp. 228-239). Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Nijholt, A. (2017). Playable cities: A short survey (Keynote paper). In 2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ICIEV-ISCMHT 2017 (pp. 1-6). [8338610] (2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision and 2017 7th International Symposium in Computational Medical and Health Technology, ICIEV-ISCMHT 2017; Vol. 2018-January). IEEE.

Nijholt, A., & Minuto, A. (2017). Smart material interfaces: Playful and artistic applications (keynote paper). In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition, icIVPR 2017 IEEE.

Nijholt, A. , Niculescu, A., Valitutti, A., & Banchs, R. E. (2017). Humor in Human-Computer Interaction: A Short Survey. In A. Joshi, D. K. Balkrishan, G. Dalvi, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Adjunct Proceedings INTERACT 2017 Mumbai: 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, September 25–29, 2017, Mumbai, India (pp. 192-214). Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Petridis, S., Li, Z. , & Pantic, M. (2017). End-to-end visual speech recognition with LSTMS. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017 - Proceedings (pp. 2592-2596). [7952625] IEEE.

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Pu, J., Panagakis, Y., Petridis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Audio-visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017 - Proceedings (pp. 2901-2905). [7952687] IEEE.

Rakicevic, N., Rudovic, O., Petridis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Multi-Modal Neural Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for Agreement Level Estimation. In 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 2228-2233). IEEE Computer Society.

Ringeval, F., Gratch, J., Schuller, B., Cowie, R., Valstar, M. , & Pantic, M. (2017). AVEC 2017 chairs' welcome. In AVEC'17: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge (pp. iii)

Ringeval, F., Schuller, B., Valstar, M., Gratch, J., Cowie, R. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Summary for AVEC 2017 - Real-life depression and affect challenge and workshop. In MM 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Multimedia Conference (pp. 1963-1964). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ringeval, F., Schuller, B., Valstar, M., Gratch, J., Cowie, R., Scherer, S., Mozgai, S., Cummins, N., Schmitt, M. , & Pantic, M. (2017). AVEC 2017 - Real-life depression, and affect recognition workshop and challenge. In AVEC'17: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge (pp. 3-9). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ruiz, A., Rudovic, O., Binefa, X. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Multi-instance dynamic ordinal random fields for weakly-supervised pain intensity estimation. In S-H. Lai, V. Lepetit, K. Nishino, & Y. Sato (Eds.), Computer Vision - ACCV 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 171-186). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10112). Springer.

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Tran, D. L., Walecki, R., Rudovic, O., Eleftheriadis, S., Schuller, B. , & Pantic, M. (2017). DeepCoder: Semi-parametric Variational Autoencoders for Automatic Facial Action Coding. In The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2017) (pp. 3190-3199). (Computer Vision).

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., Obrist, M., Okajima, K., Schifferstein, R., & Spence, C. (2017). MHFI 2017: 2nd international workshop on multisensorial approaches to human-food interaction (workshop summary). In ICMI 2017: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 674-676). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Velasco, C. , Nijholt, A., Obrist, M., Okajima, K., Spence, C., & Schifferstein, R. (2017). Message from the chairs. In C. Velasco, A. Nijholt, M. Obrist, K. Okajima, R. Schifferstein, & C. Spence (Eds.), MHFI '17: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Multisensory Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (pp. iii-iii). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Vroon, J. H. (2017). Responsive Social Positioning Behaviors for Semi-Autonomous Telepresence Robots. In HRI '17 Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 383-384)

Vroon, J. , Zaga, C. , Davison, D. , Kolkmeier, J. , & Linssen, J. (2017). Snoozle - A Robotic Pillow That Helps You Go to Sleep: HRI 2017 Student Design Competition. In HRI '17: Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 399-400). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Walecki, R., Rudovic, O., Pavlovic, V., Schuller, B. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Deep Structured Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (pp. 3405-3414). IEEE.

Zafeiriou, L., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2017). Deep Analysis of Facial Behavioral Dynamics. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) (pp. 1988-1996). [8014983] IEEE Computer Society.

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Zaga, C., Charisi, V. , Schadenberg, B. , Reidsma, D., Neerincx, M., Prescott, T., Zillich, M., Verschure, P. , & Evers, V. (2017). Growing-Up Hand in Hand with Robots: Designing and Evaluating Child-Robot Interaction from a Developmental Perspective. In HRI '17: Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 429-430). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Zaga, C. , Moreno Celleri, A. M. , & Evers, V. (2017). Gotta Hatch 'Em All! Robot-Supported Cooperation in Interactive Playgrounds. In CSCW '17 Companion Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 347-350). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

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Meeting Abstract

Kaneko, D., Kallen, V., Hogervorst, M., Toet, A. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Brouwer, A-M. (2017). Physiological Responses to Tasting Drinks are Associated with Different Tasting Experiences. Psychophysiology, 54(S1), S102-S102.

de Dieuleveult, A. L., Brouwer, A. M., Siemonsma, P. C. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Brenner, E. (2017). Effects of aging on illusory target motion in a hitting task. Journal of vision, 17(10), [815].


Awad, G., Soboroff, I., Butt, A., Ellis, A., Dimmick, D., Fiscus, J., Joy, D., Michel, M., Delgado, A., Smeaton, A., Kraaij, W., Quénot, G. , Ordelman, R., Eskevich, M., Jones, G., Huet, B., Strassel, S., & Li, X. (2017). TREC video retrieval evaluation TRECVID 2017. Paper presented at 17th annual TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2017, Gaithersburg, United States.

Eskevich, M. , Ordelman, R., Jones, G. J. F., & Huet, B. (2017). Video hyperlinking (LNK) TRECVID 2017. Paper presented at 17th annual TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2017, Gaithersburg, United States.

Fabiano, F., Pelikan, H., Pingen, J., Zissoldt, J. , Catala, A. , & Theune, M. (2017). Designing a Co-Creative Dancing Robotic Tablet. Paper presented at 6th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence, Madrid, Spain.

Kim, J. , Truong, K. , Englebienne, G. , & Evers, V. (2017). Learning spectral-temporal features with 3D CNNs for speech emotion recognition. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, United States.

Lee, M. , Kim, J. , Truong, K., de Kort, Y., Beute, F., & IJsselsteijn, W. (2017). Exploring Moral Conflicts in Speech: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Affect and Stress. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, United States.

Petridis, S., Wang, Y., Li, Z. , & Pantic, M. (2017). End-to-End Audiovisual Fusion with LSTMs. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, AVSP 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.

Petridis, S., Wang, Y., Li, Z. , & Pantic, M. (2017). End-to-End Multi-View Lipreading. Paper presented at British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2017, London, United Kingdom.

Weda, J. J. , Schadenberg, B. R. , & van Dijk, J. (2017). Support by Participatory Sense-Making in Robot Therapy for Children with Autism. Paper presented at Student Interaction Design Research Conference, SIDeR 2017, Delft, Netherlands.

de Visser, M. , Miao, S. , Englebienne, G. , Sools, A. M. , & Visscher, K. (2017). Machine-based mapping of innovation portfolios. 667-671. Paper presented at 18th International CINet Conference, Potsdam, Germany.


Rosbergen, G. J. , Jansen, M-P., Rosbergen-de Vries, A. R., Roke, Y., & Otten, R. (2017). Het slaappatroon van volwassenen met autisme in een klinische setting: een pilotstudie. Poster session presented at 17e Nationaal Autisme congres 2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Rosbergen, G. J. , Jansen, M-P., Rosbergen-de Vries, A. R., Roke, Y., & Otten, R. (2017). Het slaappatroon van volwassenen met autisme in een klinische setting: een pilotstudie. Poster session presented at Nederlands voorjaarscongres voor Psychiatrie 2017, Maastricht, Netherlands.


Kegel, R. H. P. , Barth, S. , Klaassen, R. , & Wieringa, R. J. (2017). Computer literacy systematic literature review method. (CTIT Technical Report Series; No. TR-CTIT-17-05). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).

van Delden, R. W. , & Bruijnes, M. (2017). Telepresence Robots in Daily Life - Technical Report. (CTIT technical report series; No. 17-03). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).

Review article

de Dieuleveult, A. L., Siemonsma, P. C. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Brouwer, A. M. (2017). Effects of aging in multisensory integration: A systematic review. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9(MAR), [80].


Article (contribution to journal)

Aung, M. S. H., Kaltwang, S., Romera-Paredes, B., Martinez, B., Singh, A., Cella, M., Valstar, M., Meng, H., Kemp, A., Shafizadeh, M., Elkins, A. C., Kanakam, N., de Rothschild, A., Tyler, N., Watson, P. J., de C. Williams, A. C. , Pantic, M., & Bianchi-Berthouze, N. (2016). The Automatic Detection of Chronic Pain-Related Expression: Requirements, Challenges and the Multimodal EmoPain Dataset. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 7(4), 435-451.

Eleftheriadis, S., Rudovic, O. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Feature Fusion: A Multi-Conditional Learning Approach. IEEE transactions on image processing, 25(12), 5727-5742.

Eyben, F., Scherer, K., Schuller, B., Sundberg, J., André, E., Busso, C., Devillers, L., Epps, J., Laukka, P., Narayanan, S. , & Truong, K. P. (2016). The Geneva Minimalistic Acoustic Parameter Set (GeMAPS) for Voice Research and Affective Computing. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 7(2), 190-202.

Georgakis, C., Panagakis, Y. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Discriminant Incoherent Component Analysis. IEEE transactions on image processing, 25(5), 2021-2034.

Georgakis, C., Petridis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Discrimination Between Native and Non-Native Speech Using Visual Features Only. IEEE transactions on cybernetics, 46(12), 2758-2771.

Kaltwang, S., Todorovic, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Doubly Sparse Relevance Vector Machine for Continuous Facial Behavior Estimation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 38(9), 1748-1761.

Nguyen, D-P., Doğruöz, A. S., Rosé, C. P. , & de Jong, F. M. G. (2016). Computational Sociolinguistics: A Survey. Computational linguistics, 42(3), 537-593.

Panagakis, Y., Nicolaou, M. A., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Robust correlated and individual component analysis. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 38(8), 1665-1678.

Robben, S. , Englebienne, G., & Krose, B. J. A. (2016). Delta Features From Ambient Sensor Data are Good Predictors of Change in Functional Health. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 21(4), 986-993.

Sagonas, C., Antonakos, E., Tzimiropoulos, G., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). 300 Faces In-The-Wild Challenge: database and results. Image and vision computing, 47, 3-18.

Sagonas, C., Panagakis, Y., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Robust statistical frontalization of human and animal faces. International journal of computer vision, 122(2), 270-291.

Toet, A., Tak, S. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2016). Visualizing uncertainty. Towards a better understanding of weather forecasts. Tijdschrift voor human factors, 41(1), 9-14.

Tzimiropoulos, G. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Fast Algorithms for Fitting Active Appearance Models to Unconstrained Images. International journal of computer vision, 122(1), 17-33.

Venrooij, W., Toet, A. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2016). Measuring dashboard performance. Optimizing the view on data. Tijdschrift voor human factors, 41(1), 15-19.

Vyas, D., Kröner, A. , & Nijholt, A. (2016). From Mundane to Smart: Exploring Interactions with ‘Smart’ Design Objects. International journal of mobile human computer interaction, 8(1), 63-88.

Zafeiriou, L., Nicolaou, M. A., Zafeiriou, S., Nikitidis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Probabilistic Slow Features for Behavior Analysis. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 27(5), 1034-1048.


Mikkelsen, E. J. , VanDerNagel, J. E. L., & Lindsay, W. R. (2016). Substance related and addictive disorders. In R. J. Fletcher, J. Barnhill, & S-A. Cooper (Eds.), DM-IDI 2: Diagnostic Manual – Intellectual Disability: A textbook of diagnosis of mental disorders in persons with intellectual disability NADD Press.

Miri, H. , Kolkmeier, J. , Taylor, P. J. , Poppe, R. , & Heylen, D. (2016). project SENSE: multimodal simulation with full-body real-time verbal and nonverbal interactions. In R. Poppe, J-J. Meyer, R. Veltkamp, & M. Dastani (Eds.), Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: 8th International Conference, INTETAIN 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 28-30, 2016 (pp. 279-284). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 178). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2016). Humor Engineering in Smart Environments. In S. Fukuda (Ed.), Emotional Engineering Volume 4 (pp. 37-57). (Emotional Engineering; Vol. 4). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2016). Preface (to Playable Cities). In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Playable Cities: The City as a Digital Playground (pp. vii-viii). (Gaming Media and Social Effects). Springer.

Yang, Y., Al-Shaikhli, S., Jiang, T. , Cao, Y., & Rosenhahn, B. (2016). Bi-layer dictionary learning for remote sensing image classification. In Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) : Advancing the understanding of our living planet, 10-15 July 2016, Beijing, China (pp. 3059-3062). (IGARSS; No. 2016). IEEE.

op den Akker, H. J. A. , Klaassen, R. , & Nijholt, A. (2016). Virtual coaches for healthy lifestyle. In A. Esposito, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems - Volume II: Modeling Social Signals (pp. 121-149). (Intelligent Systems Reference Library; Vol. 106, No. 106). Springer.

van der Nagel, J., Didden, R., van Duijvenbode, N., Kemna, L., & Trentelman, M. (2016). Middelengebruik en verslaving. In R. Didden, P. Troost, X. Moonen, & W. Groen (Eds.), Handboek psychiatrie en lichte verstandelijke beperking (pp. 157-169). De Tijdstroom.

Conference article

Eskevich, M., Jones, G. J. F. , Aly, R. , Ordelman, R., & Huet, B. (2016). Pursuing a moving target: Iterative use of benchmarking of a task to understand the task. CEUR workshop proceedings, 1739.

Conference contribution

Andujar, M. , Nijholt, A., & Gilbert, J. E. (2016). Designing a Humorous Workplace: Improving and Retaining Employee's Happiness. In WJ. Chung, & C. Sungsoo Shin (Eds.), Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design (pp. 683-693). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 483). Springer.

Bruijnes, M. , Huisman, G. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Tasty tech: human-food interaction and multimodal interfaces. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Multi-sensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction, MHFI 2016 (pp. 4). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Charisi, V. , Davison, D. P. , Reidsma, D. , & Evers, V. (2016). Evaluation Methods for User-Centered Child-Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2016 (pp. MoA3.4). (Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN; Vol. 2016). IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY.

Davison, D. P. (2016). Child, Robot and Educational Material: A Triadic Interaction. In HRI'16: The Eleventh ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (pp. 607-608). (ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction). IEEE.

Davison, D., Schindler, L. , & Reidsma, D. (2016). Physical extracurricular activities in educational child-robot interaction. In K. Dautenhahn, P. Baxter, A. Weiss, & A. Salem (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction (NF-HRI 2016) European Respiratory Society.

Eleftheriadis, S., Rudovic, O., Deisenroth, M. P. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Gaussian Process Domain Experts for Model Adaptation in Facial Behavior Analysis. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW 2016): Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 26 June - 1 July 2016 (pp. 1469-1477). (IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)). IEEE Computer Society.

Eleftheriadis, S., Rudovic, O., Deisenroth, M. P. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Variational Gaussian Process Auto-Encoder for Ordinal Prediction of Facial Action Units. In S-H. Lai, V. Lepetit, K. Nishino, & Y. Sato (Eds.), Computer Vision – ACCV 2016: 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 154-170). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10112). Springer.

Huisman, G. , Bruijnes, M. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). A Moving Feast: Effects of Color, Shape and Animation on Taste Associations and Taste Perceptions. In ACE '16: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (pp. 13). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Huisman, G., Darriba Frederiks, A. , van Erp, J. B. F. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Simulating Affective Touch: Using a Vibrotactile Array to Generate Pleasant Stroking Sensations. In Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 240-250). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9775). Springer.

Kim, J. , & Truong, K. P. (2016). Automatic analysis of children’s engagement using interactional network features. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Child Computer Interaction (WOCCI 2016) (pp. 23-28). ISCA.

Kim, J. , Truong, K. P. , Charisi, V. , Zaga, C. , Evers, V., & Chetouani, M. (2016). Multimodal Detection of Engagement in Groups of Children Using Rank Learning. In M. Chetouani, J. Cohn, & A. A. Salah (Eds.), Human Behavior Understanding: 7th International Workshop, HBU 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 16, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 35-48). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9997). Springer.

Klaassen, R. , op den Akker, R., Di Bitonto, P., van der Burg, G. J., Bul, K., & Kato, P. (2016). PERGAMON: A serious gaming and digital coaching platform supporting patients and healthcare professionals. In J. E. Q. Varajão, M. M. Cruz-Cunha, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, N. Bjørn-Andersen, R. Turner, & D. Alves (Eds.), Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems/International Conference on Project MANagement/International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2016: Book of industry papers and abstracts (pp. 261-269). Scika.

Kolkmeier, J. , Vroon, J. H. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Interacting with Virtual Agents in Shared Space: Single and Joint Effects of Gaze and Proxemics. In D. Traum, W. Swartout, P. Khooshabeh, S. Kopp, S. Scherer, & A. Leuski (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2016 (pp. 1-14). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10011). Springer.

Mader, A. H. , & Dertien, E. C. (2016). Tinkering as Method in Academic Teaching. In E. Bohemia (Ed.), DS 83: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (pp. 240-245)

Moreno Celleri, A. M. , Poppe, R. W. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Play with Me! Gender-Typed Social Play Behavior Analysis in Interactive Tag Games. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2016), Revised Selected Papers (pp. 146-157). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 178). Springer.

Nguyen, D-P., & Cornips, L. (2016). Automatic Detection of Intra-Word Code-Switching. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 82-86). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Nijholt, A. (2016). Human Avatars in Playful and Humorous Environments. In WJ. Chung, & C. Sungsoo Shin (Eds.), Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design (pp. 671-682). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 483). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2016). Multi-Brain BCI Games: Where to Go from Here? In A. Spink, G. Riedel, L. Zhou, R. Albatel, & C. Gurrin (Eds.), Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2016, 10th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (pp. 496-499). Dublin City University.

Nijholt, A. (2016). Smart Bugs and Digital Banana Peels: Accidental Humor in Smart Environments? In N. Streitz, & P. Markopoulos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, DAPI 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016 (pp. 329-340). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9749). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2016). The Future of Brain-Computer Interfacing (keynote paper). In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2016) (pp. 156-161). IEEE Computer Society.

Nijholt, A. , & Poel, M. (2016). Multi-Brain BCI: Characteristics and Social Interactions. In D. D. Schmorrow, & C. M. Fidopiastis (Eds.), Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience: 0th International Conference, AC 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 79-90). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9743). Springer.

Nijholt, A., Velasco, C., Karunanayaka, K. , & Huisman, G. (2016). 1st International Workshop on Multi-sensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction (Workshop Summary). In Proceedings 18th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2016 (pp. 601-603). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ordelman, R. J. F. (2016). Developing Benchmarks: The Importance of the Process and New Paradigms. In MMCommons '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia COMMONS ACM Publishing.

Petridis, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Deep Complementary Bottleneck Features for Visual Speech Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2016 (pp. 2304-2308). (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing). IEEE.

Pons, P., Hirskyj-Douglas, I. , Nijholt, A., & Cheok, A. D. (2016). Animal-Computer Interaction: Animal-Centred, Participatory, and Playful Design. In A. Spink, G. Riedel, L. Zhou, L. Teekens, R. Albatal, & C. Gurrin (Eds.), Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2016, 10th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (pp. 456-460). Dublin City University.

Reidsma, D. , Charisi, V. , Davison, D. P. , Wijnen, F. M. , van der Meij, J. , Evers, V., Cameron, D., Fernando, S., Moore, R., Prescott, T., Mazzei, D., Pieroni, M., Cominelli, L., Garofalo, R., De Rossi, D., Vouloutsi, V., Zucca, R., Grechuta, K., Blancas, M., & Verschure, P. (2016). The EASEL Project: Towards Educational Human-Robot Symbiotic Interaction. In N. F. Lepora, A. Mura, M. Mangan, P. F. M. J. Verschure, M. Desmulliez, & T. J. Prescott (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Living Machines (pp. 297-306). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9793). Springer.

Sieverink, F. , Kelders, S. M., Akkersdijk, S. , Poel, M. , Tjin-Kam-Jet-Siemons, L. , & van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. (2016). Work in progress: a protocol for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of log data from eHealth technology. In O. Kulyk, L. Siemons, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, & L. van Gemert-Pijnen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems co-located with the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (pp. 56-60)

Valstar, M., Pelachaud, C. , Heylen, D. K. J., Dermouche, S., Ghitulescu, A., Baur, T., Cafaro, A., Potard, B., André, E., Wagner, J., Durieu, L., Aylett, M., Coutinho, E., Schuller, B., Zhang, Y. , Theune, M. , & van Waterschoot, J. (2016). Ask Alice: an Artificial Retrieval of Information Agent. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2016 (pp. 419-420). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Velasco, C., Reinoso Carvalho, F., Petit, O. , & Nijholt, A. (2016). A Multisensory Approach for the Design of Food and Drink Enhancing Sonic Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Multi-sensorial Approaches to Human-Food Interaction, MHFI 2016 (pp. 7). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Vouloutsi, V., Blancas, M., Zucca, R., Omedas, P. , Reidsma, D. , Davison, D. P. , Charisi, V. , Wijnen, F. M., Wijnen, F. M. , van der Meij, J. , Evers, V., Cameron, D., Fernando, S., Moore, R., Prescott, T., Mazzei, D., Pieroni, M., Cominelli, L., Garofalo, R., ... Verschure, P. (2016). Towards a Synthetic Tutor Assistant: The EASEL Project and its Architecture. In N. F. Lepora, A. Mura, M. Mangan, P. F. M. J. Verschure, M. Desmulliez, & T. J. Prescott (Eds.), Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Living Machines (pp. 353-364). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9793). Springer.

Vroon, J. H. , Englebienne, G. , & Evers, V. (2016). Responsive Social Agents: Feedback-Sensitive Behavior Generation for Social Interactions. In A. Agah, J-J. Cabibihan, A. M. Howard, M. A. Salichs, & H. He (Eds.), Social Robotics: 8th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 1-3, 2016 Proceedings (pp. 126-137). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 9979).

Willemse, C. J. A. M. , Huisman, G. , Jung, M. M. , van Erp, J. B. F. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Observing Touch from Video: The Influence of Social Cues on Pleasantness Perceptions. In F. Bello, H. Kajimoto, & Y. Visell (Eds.), Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 196-205). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9775). Springer.

Zafeiriou, L., Antonakos, E., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Joint Unsupervised Deformable Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016) (pp. 3382-3390). IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Zaga, C. , De Vries, R. A. J., Spenkelink, S. J. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2016). Help-Giving Robot Behaviors in Child-Robot Games: Exploring Semantic Free Utterances. In 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2016) (pp. 541-542). IEEE.

Zaga, C. , Lohse, M. , Charisi, V. , Evers, V., Neerincx, M., Kanda, T., & Leite, I. (2016). 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Child Robot Interaction. In HRI'16: The Eleventh ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (pp. 587-588). (ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction; Vol. 2016). IEEE.

van Delden, R. W., Gerritsen, S. , Reidsma, D. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Distributed Embodied Team Play, a Distributed Interactive Pong Playground. In R. Poppe, J-J. Meyer, R. Veltkamp, & M. Destani (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INETAIN 2016) (pp. 124-135). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST); Vol. 178). Springer.

van Delden, R., Janssen, J. , ter Stal, S., Deenik, W., Meijer, W. , Reidsma, D. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2016). Personalization of Gait Rehabilitation Games on a Pressure Sensitive Interactive LED Floor. In R. Orji, M. Reisinger, M. Busch, A. Dijkstra, A. Stibe, & M. Tscheligi (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Personalization in Persuasive Technology: co-located with the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PT 2016) (pp. 60-73). (CEUR workshop proceedings; Vol. 1582). RWTH Aachen University.


Awad, G., Smeaton, A., Soboroff, I., Kraaij, W., Ellis, A., Quénot, G., Dimmick, D. , Ordelman, R. , Aly, R., Eskevich, M., Larson, M., Jones, G., Fiscus, J., Huet, B., Joy, D., Ritter, M., Michel, M., Strassel, S., Delgado, A., & Li, X. (2016). TREC video retrieval evaluation. Paper presented at TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2016, Gaithersburg, United States.

Davison, D. P. , Charisi, V. , Wijnen, F. M., Papenmeier, A. , van der Meij, J. , Reidsma, D. , & Evers, V. (2016). Design challenges for long-term interaction with a robot in a science classroom. -. Paper presented at RO-MAN 2016 Workshop on Long-term Child-robot Interaction, New York, United States.

Eskevich, M., Larson, M. , Aly, R. , Ordelman, R., Jones, G. J. F., & Huet, B. (2016). Video hyperlinking (LNK) TRECVID 2016. Paper presented at TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2016, Gaithersburg, United States.

Kossaifi, J., Panagakis, Y. , & Pantic, M. (2016). TensorLy: Tensor Learning in Python. Paper presented at Proceedings of Tensor-Learn Workshop 2016, .

Nijholt, A. (2016). Brain-Computer Interfacing Embedded in Intelligent and Affective Systems. 1-1. Paper presented at 4th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing, ICISIP 2016, Kyoto, Japan.

Sieverink, F. , Kelders, S. M. , Poel, M. , & van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. (2016). How to collect, analyze and interpret log data from eHealth technology. -. Paper presented at Supporting Health by Technology VII 2016, Groningen, Netherlands.

Walecki, R., Rudovic, O. , Pantic, M., Pavlovic, V., & Cohn, J. F. (2016). A Framework for Joint Estimation and Guided Annotation of Facial Action Unit Intensity. 1460-1468. Paper presented at 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, United States.

Walecki, R., Rudovic, O., Pavlovic, V. , & Pantic, M. (2016). Copula Ordinal Regression for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity. 4902-4910. Paper presented at 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, United States.

de Vries, R. A. J. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2016). Crowd-designed motivation: combining personality and the Transtheoretical Model. 41-52. Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2016, Salzburg, Austria.

de Vries, R. A. J. , Truong, K. P., Kwint, S. , Drossaert, C. H. C. , & Evers, V. (2016). Crowd-Designed Motivation: Motivational Messages for Exercise Adherence Based on Behavior Change Theory. 297-308. Paper presented at 34th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2016, San Jose, United States.


Nguyen, D-P., Demeester, T. , Trieschnigg, R. B. , & Hiemstra, D. (2016). Resource Selection for Federated Search on the Web. (CTIT Technical Report Series; No. TR-CTIT-16-12). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).


Article (contribution to journal)

Andujar, M., Crawford, C. S. , Nijholt, A., Jackson, F., & Gilbert, J. E. (2015). Artistic brain-computer interfaces: the expression and stimulation of the user's affective state. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2(2-3), 60-69.

Asthana, A. , Asthana, A., Zafeiriou, S., Tzimiropoulos, G., Cheng, S. , & Pantic, M. (2015). From Pixels to Response Maps: Discriminative Image Filtering for Face Alignment in the Wild. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 37(6), 1312-1320.

Bousmalis, K., Zafeiriou, S., Morency, L-P. , Pantic, M., & Ghahramani, Z. (2015). Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 37(9), 1917-1929.

Brouwer, A-M., Zander, T. O. , van Erp, J. B. F., Korteling, J. E., & Bronkhorst, A. W. (2015). Using neurophysiological signals that reflect cognitive or affective state: Six recommendations to avoid common pitfalls. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 136.

Brouwer, A-M., van Schaik, M. G., Korteling, J. E. H. , van Erp, J. B. F., & Toet, A. (2015). Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Stress: Physiological Correlates. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 6(2), 109-117.

Brunner, C., Birbaumer, N., Blankertz, B., Guger, C., Kübler, A., Mattia, D., Millán, J. D. R., Miralles, F. , Nijholt, A., Opisso, E., Ramsey, N., Salomon, P., & Müller-Putz, G. R. (2015). BNCI Horizon 2020: towards a roadmap for the BCI community. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2(1), 1-10.

D'Mello, S. K., D'Mello, S. K. (Ed.) , Pantic, M. (Ed.) , & Nijholt, A. (Ed.) (2015). Introduction to the “Best of ACII 2013‿ Special Section. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 6(2), 84-85.

Gamboa, H. (Ed.) , Nijboer, F. , van de Laar, B. L. A., Plácido da Silva, H. (Ed.), Gilleade, K. (Ed.), Gerritsen, S. , Nijholt, A., Bermúdez i Badia, S. (Ed.) , Poel, M., & Fairclough, S. (Ed.) (2015). Usability of Three Electroencephalogram Headsets for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Within Subject Comparison. Interacting with computers, 27(5), 500-511.

Hancock, P. A., Lawson, B., Cholewiak, R., Elliott, L. R. , van Erp, J. B. F., Mortimer, B. J. P., Rupert, A., & Redden, E. S. (2015). Tactile Cuing to Augment Multisensory Human–Machine Interaction. Ergonomics in design, 23(2), 4-9.

Hogenboom, A., Frasincar, F. , de Jong, F. M. G., & Kaymak, U. (2015). Polarity classification using structure-based vector representations of text. Decision support systems, 74(June), 46-56.

Hogenboom, A., Frasincar, F. , de Jong, F. M. G., & Kaymak, U. (2015). Using rhetorical structure in sentiment analysis. Communications of the ACM, 58(7), 69-77.

Liwicki, S., Zafeiriou, S. P. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Online Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Temporal Video Segmentation and Tracking. IEEE transactions on image processing, 24(10), 2955-2970.

Mader, A. H. , Reidsma, D. (Ed.) , Dertien, E. C., Volpe, G. (Ed.), Kolkmeier, J., Camurri, A. (Ed.) , Kolkmeier, J. , & Nijholt, A. (Ed.) (2015). Single Value Devices. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 8(3), 249-277.

Meder, T. , Nguyen, D-P., & Gravel, R. (2015). The Apocalypse on Twitter. Digital scholarship in the humanities, 31(2), 1-13.

Minuto, A., Pittarello, F. , & Nijholt, A. (2015). Smart Material Interfaces for Education. Journal of visual languages and computing, 31(Part B), 267-274.

Reidsma, D. (Ed.), Volpe, G., Volpe, G. (Ed.), Camurri, A. (Ed.), Camurri, A. , & Nijholt, A. (Ed.) (2015). Editorial: Expressive Interactive Systems That Tell a Story. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 8(3), 185-187.

Reidsma, D. (Ed.) , van Dijk, E. M. A. G. , van der Sluis, F., Volpe, G. (Ed.), Camurri, A. (Ed.), Perloy, L. M. , & Nijholt, A. (Ed.) (2015). A user experience model for tangible interfaces for children. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 8(3), 212-230.

Romão, T. , Nijholt, A. (Ed.), & Cheok, A. D. (2015). Editorial: Special Issue on Advances in Computer Entertainment. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 8(4), 279-281.

Rudovic, O., Pavlovic, V. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Context-sensitive Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Intensity Estimation of Facial Action Units. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 37(5), 944-958.

Soleymani, M., Soleymani, M. (Ed.), Pun, T. (Ed.), Pun, T. , & Nijholt, A. (Ed.) (2015). Best of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2013 in Multimodal Interactions. Journal on multimodal user interfaces, 9(1), 1-2.

Tak, S., Toet, A. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2015). Public understanding of visual representations of uncertainty in temperature forecasts. Journal of cognitive engineering and decision making, 9(3), 241-262.

van Maanen, P-P., Busschers, F. S., Brouwer, A-M., van der Meulendijk, M. J. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2015). Quality Control of Geological Voxel Models using Experts' Gaze. Computers & geosciences, 76(March 2015), 50-58.


Bruijnes, M. , Linssen, J. M. , op den Akker, H. J. A. , Theune, M., Wapperom, S., Broekema, C. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2015). Social Behaviour in Police Interviews: Relating Data to Theories. In F. D'Errico, I. Poggi, A. Vinciarelli, & L. Vincze (Eds.), Conflict and Multimodal Communication (pp. 317-347). (Computational Social Sciences). Springer.

Effing, R. , van Hillegersberg, J. , & Huibers, T. (2015). Social Media Indicator and Local Elections in the Netherlands: Towards a Framework for Evaluating the Influence of Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. In M. Zahid Sobaci (Ed.), Social Media and Local Governments: Theory and Practice (pp. 281-298). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 15). Springer.

Gürkök, H. , Nijholt, A. , & Poel, M. (2015). Brain-Computer Interface Games: Towards a Framework. In R. Nakatsu, M. Rauterberg, & P. Ciancarini (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies (pp. 1-18). Springer.

Larburu Rubio, N. , van Schooten, B. W., Shalom, E. , Fung, L. S. N. , van Sinderen, M. J. , Hermens, H. J. , & Jones, V. M. (2015). A quality-of-data aware mobile decision support system for patients with chronic illnesses. In D. Riano, R. Lenz, S. Miksch, M. Peleg, M. U. Reichert, & A. ten Teije (Eds.), Knowledge representation for health care (pp. 126-139). (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 9485, No. 1). Springer.

Mühl, C. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Nijholt, A. (2015). Affective brain-computer interfaces: neuroscientific approaches to affect detection. In R. Calvo, S. K. D'Mello, J. Gratch, & A. Kappas (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing (pp. 217-232). Oxford University Press.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Competing and collaborating brains: multi-brain computer interfacing. In A. E. Hassanieu, & A. T. Azar (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces: Current trends and Applications (pp. 313-335). (Intelligent Systems Reference Library Series; Vol. 74, No. 74). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Foreword. In A. E. Hassanieu, & A. T. Azar (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces: Current trends and Applications (pp. v-vi). (Intelligent Systems Reference Library Series; Vol. 74, No. 74). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2015). More playful user interfaces: an introduction. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), More Playful User Interfaces: Interfaces that Invite Social and Physical Interaction (pp. 1-13). (Gaming media and social effects). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Preface. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), More Playful User Interfaces: Interfaces that Invite Social and Physical Interaction (pp. v-vi). (Gaming media and social effects). Springer.

Conference contribution

Baltussen, L. B., Karavellas, T. , & Ordelman, R. J. F. (2015). Exploiting program guides for contextualisation. In J. C. Torres, G. Guidi, J. Barcelo, L. Duranti, H. Graf, P. Brunet, S. Hazan, R. Scopigno, & F. Remondino (Eds.), 2015 Digital Heritage International Congress, Digital Heritage 2015 (pp. 161-164). [7419477] IEEE.

Bloom, N. , Theune, M. , & de Jong, F. M. G. (2015). Document categorization using multilingual associative networks based on Wikipedia. In WWW 2015 Companion. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 841-846). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Brouwer, A-M., Dijksterhuis, C. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2015). Physiological correlates of mental effort as manipulated through lane width during simulated driving. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) (pp. 42-48). IEEE Computer Society.

Bruijnes, M. , op den Akker, H. J. A., Hartholt, A. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2015). Virtual suspect William. In W-P. Brinkman, D. Heylen, & J. Broekens (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2015 (pp. 67-76). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9238). Springer.

Cameron, D., Fernando, S., Collins, E., Millings, A., Moore, R., Sharkey, A. , Evers, V., & Prescott, T. (2015). Presence of Life-Like Robot Expressions Influences Children’s Enjoyment of Human-Robot Interactions in the Field. In Proceedings of Fourth International Symposium on "New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction" (pp. 3). The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB).

Charisi, V. , Davison, D. P. , Wijnen, F. M. , van der Meij, J. , Reidsma, D., Prescott, T. , van Joolingen, W. , & Evers, V. (2015). Towards a child-robot symbiotic co-development: a theoretical approach. In M. Salem, A. Weiss, P. Baxter, & K. Dautenhahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on "New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction" (pp. 331-336). The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB).

Demeester, T. , Trieschnigg, R. B., Zhou, K. , Nguyen, D-P. , & Hiemstra, D. (2015). FedWeb Greatest Hits: Presenting the New Test Collection for Federated Web Search. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2015 Companion (pp. 27-28). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Dwi Prasetyo, N. , Hauff, C. , Nguyen, D-P., van den Broek, T. , & Hiemstra, D. (2015). On the Impact of Twitter-based Health Campaigns: A Cross-Country Analysis of Movember. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi) (pp. 55-63). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Eleftheriadis, S., Rudovic, O. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Multi-Conditional Latent Variable Model for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015) (pp. 3792-3800). IEEE.

Eskevich, M. , Aly, R. , Ordelman, R. J. F., Racca, D. N., Chen, S., & Jones, G. J. F. (2015). SAVA at MediaEval 2015: Search and Anchoring in Video Archives. In Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2015 Workshop (pp. 11). CEUR.

Gravier, G., Jones, G. J. F., Larson, M. , & Ordelman, R. J. F. (2015). Overview of the 2015 Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2015) (pp. 1347-1348). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Joosse, M. P., Knuppe, R., Pingen, G., Varkevisser, R., Vukoja, J. , Lohse, M. , & Evers, V. (2015). Robots Guiding Small Groups: The Effect of Appearance Change on the User Experience. In M. Salem, A. Weiss, P. Baxter, & K. Dautenhahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 6). University of Kent.

Jung, M. M., Cang, X. L. , Poel, M., & MacLean, K. E. (2015). Touch Challenge ‘15: Recognizing Social Touch Gestures. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2015 (pp. 387 -390). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Kaltwang, S., Todorovic, S. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Latent Trees for Estimating Intensity of Facial Action Units. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2015) (pp. 296-304). IEEE Computer Society.

Karreman, D. , Ludden, G. , & Evers, V. (2015). Visiting cultural heritage with a tour guide robot: a user evaluation study in-the-wild. In A. Tapus, E. André, J-C. Martin, F. Ferland, & M. Ammi (Eds.), Social Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015, Paris, France, October 26-30, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 317-326). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9388). Springer.

Kim, J. , Truong, K. P. , Charisi, V. , Zaga, C. , Lohse, M. , Heylen, D. , & Evers, V. (2015). Vocal turn-taking patterns in groups of children performing collaborative tasks: an exploratory study. In INTERSPEECH 2015: 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (pp. 1645-1649). (INTERSPEECH : Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association; Vol. 2015). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Kolkmeier, J. (2015). Record, Transform & Reproduce Social Encounters in Immersive VR: An Iterative Approach. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015) (pp. 641-644). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Kossaifi, J., Tzimiropoulos, G. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Fast and exact Bi-directional Fitting of Active Appearance Models. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2015) (pp. 1135-1139). IEEE Computer Society.

Ligthart, M. , & Truong, K. P. (2015). Selecting the right robot: Influence of user attitude, robot sociability and embodiment on user preferences. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2015) (pp. 682-687). IEEE.

Linssen, J. M. , Theune, M., & de Groot, T. (2015). Improving social awareness through thought bubbles and flashbacks of virtual characters. In W-P. Brinkman, J. Broekens, & D. K. J. Heylen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2015 (pp. 250-259). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9238). Springer.

Linssen, J. M., de Groot, T. , & Theune, M. (2015). LOITER-TB: Thought Bubbles that Give Feedback on Virtual Agents' Experiences. In W-P. Brinkman, J. Broekens, & D. K. J. Heylen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, IVA 2015 (pp. 283-286). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9238). Springer.

Minuto, A., Pittarello, F. , & Nijholt, A. (2015). A Smart Material Interfaces Learning Experience. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS 2015) (pp. 131-140). Knowledge Systems Institute.

Moreno Celleri, A. M. , van Delden, R. W. , Poppe, R. W. , Reidsma, D. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2015). Augmenting traditional playground games to enhance game experience. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2015) (pp. -). IEEE Computer Society.

Nguyen, D-P. , Trieschnigg, R. B., & Cornips, L. (2015). Audience and the Use of Minority Languages on Twitter. In Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2015 (pp. 666-669). AAAI Press.

Nguyen, D-P. , van den Broek, T. A. , Hauff, C. , Hiemstra, D. , & Ehrenhard, M. L. (2015). #SupportTheCause: Identifying Motivations to Participate in Online Health Campaigns. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2015 (pp. 2570-2576). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

Nijholt, A. (2015). Designing Humor for Playable Cities. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015 (pp. 2175-2182). (Procedia Manufacturing; Vol. 3). Elsevier.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Humor techniques: from real world and game environments to smart environments. In N. Streitz, & P. Markopoulos (Eds.), 3rd International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions, DAPI 2015 (pp. 659-670). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9189). Springer.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Incongruity Humor in Language and Beyond: From Bergson to Digitally Enhanced Worlds. In Proceedings Fourteenth International Symposium on Social Communication (pp. 594-599). Centro de Lingüística Aplicada.

Nijholt, A. (2015). Mischief humor: From Games to Playable Cities. In ACE '15: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (pp. 67). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Nijholt, A. (2015). Multimodal and Multi-Brain Computer Interfaces: A Review. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2015) (pp. 1-5). IEEE Computer Society.

Nijholt, A. (2015). The Humor Continuum: From Text to Smart Environments (Keynote Paper). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2015) (pp. 1-10). IEEE Computer Society.

Ordelman, R. J. F. , Aly, R., Eskevich, M., Huet, B., & Jones, G. J. F. (2015). Convenient Discovery of Archived Video Using Audiovisual Hyperlinking. In Proceedings of the Third Edition Workshop on Speech, Language & Audio in Multimedia (SLAM 2015) (pp. 23-26). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ordelman, R. J. F., Eskevich, M. , Aly, R., Huet, B., & Jones, G. J. F. (2015). Defining and Evaluating Video Hyperlinking for Navigating Multimedia Archives. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2015 Companion (pp. 727-732). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.

Petridis, S., Rajgarhia, V. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Comparison of Single-model and Multiple-model Prediction-based Audiovisual Fusion. In Proceedings of the 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation, and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, FAAVSP 2015 (pp. 109-114). ISCA Speech Organisation.

Pfab, I. , & Willemse, C. J. A. M. (2015). Design of a wearable research tool for warm mediated social touches. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) (pp. 976-981). IEEE Computer Society.

Rakicevic, N., Rudovic, O., & Petridis, S. (2015). Neural Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for Agreement Level Estimation. In N. Rakicevic, O. Rudovic, S. Petrids, & M. Pantic (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) (pp. 885-890). IEEE Communications Society.

Sagonas, C., Panagakis, Y., Zafeiriou, S. , & Pantic, M. (2015). Robust Statistical Face Frontalization. In Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015) (pp. 3871-3879). IEEE.

Shalom, E., Shahar, Y., Goldstein, A., Ariel, E., Sheinberger, M. , Fung, L. S. N. , Jones, V. M. , & van Schooten, B. W. (2015). Implementation of a distributed guideline-based decision support model within a patient-guidance framework. In D. Riaño, R. Lenz, S. Miksch, M. Peleg, M. U. Reichert, & A. ten Teije (Eds.), Knowledge Representation for Health Care: AIME 2015 International Joint Workshop, KR4HC/ProHealth 2015 (pp. 111-125). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9485). Springer.

Triebel, R., Arras, K., Alami, R., Beyer, L., Breuers, S., Chatila, R., Chetouani, M., Cremers, D. , Evers, V., Fiore, M., Hung, H., Islas Ramírez, O. A. , Joosse, M. P., Khambhaita, H., Kucner, T., Leibe, B., Lilienthal, A. J., Linder, T. , Lohse, M. , ... Zhang, L. (2015). SPENCER: A Socially Aware Service Robot for Passenger Guidance and Help in Busy Airports. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Field and Service Robotics, FSR 2015 (pp. 607-622). (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics; Vol. 113). Springer.

Trouvain, J. , & Truong, K. P. (2015). Prosodic characteristics of read speech before and after treadmill running. In Proceedings of Interspeech (pp. 3700-3704). (Proceedings of Interspeech). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Truong, K. P., Nieuwenhuys, A., Beek, P. , & Evers, V. (2015). A database for analysis of speech under physical stress: detection of exercise intensity while running and talking. In Proceedings of Interspeech (pp. 3705-3709). (Proceedings of Interspeech). International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).

Vroon, J. H. , Joosse, M. P. , Lohse, M. , Kolkmeier, J. , Kim, J. , Truong, K. P. , Englebienne, G. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & Evers, V. (2015). Dynamics of social positioning patterns in group-robot interactions. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Sumposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RoMan 2015) (pp. 394-399). IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY.

Vroon, J. H. , Kim, J., & Koster, R. (2015). Robot response behaviors to accommodate hearing problems. In Proceedings of New Friends 2015: the 1st International Conference on Social Robotics in Therapy and Education Windesheim Flevoland University.

Wanders, B. , van Keulen, M. , & van der Vet, P. E. (2015). Uncertain Groupings: Probabilistic combination of grouping data. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2015 (pp. 236-250). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9261). Springer.

Wijnen, F. M. , Charisi, V. , Davison, D. P. , van der Meij, J. , Reidsma, D. , & Evers, V. (2015). Inquiry learning with a social robot: can you explain that to me? In M. Heerink, & M. de Jong (Eds.), Proceedings of New Friends 2015: the 1st international conference on social robotics in therapy and education (pp. 24-25). Windesheim Flevoland.

Willemse, C. J. A. M. (2015). A warm Touch of Affect? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) (pp. 766-771). IEEE Computer Society.

Willemse, C. J. A. M. , Heylen, D. K. J. , & van Erp, J. B. F. (2015). Warmth in affective mediated interaction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015) (pp. 28-34). IEEE Computer Society.

Willemse, C. J. A. M., Munters, G. M. , van Erp, J. B. F. , & Heylen, D. K. J. (2015). Nakama: a companion for non-verbal affective communication. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015) (pp. 377-378). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Zaga, C. , Lohse, M. , Truong, K. P. , & Evers, V. (2015). The Effect of a Robot's Social Character on Children Task Engagement: Peer Versus Tutor. In A. Tapus, E. André, J-C. Martin, F. Ferland, & M. Ammi (Eds.), Social Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015, Paris, France, October 26-30, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 704- 713). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9388). Springer.

de Boer, V. , Ordelman, R. J. F., & Schuurman, J. (2015). Practice-Oriented Evaluation of Unsupervised Labeling of Audiovisual Content in an Archive Production Environment. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2015 (pp. 43-55). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9316). Springer.

op den Akker, H. J. A. (2015). What do care robots reveal about technology? In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on social robots in therapy and education, NewFriends 2015 (pp. 82-83). Windesheim Flevoland.

van Erp, J. B. F., Toet, A., Meijer, K., Janssen, J., & Jong, A. (2015). Subjective User Experience and Performance with Active Tangibles on a Tabletop Interfaces. In N. Streitz, & P. Markopoulos (Eds.), Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions: Third International Conference, DAPI 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 212-223). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9189). Springer.

Inaugural speech

van Erp, J. B. F. (2015). ICT met gevoel. Universiteit Twente.


Shiarlis, K., Messias, J., van Someren, M., Whiteson, S. , Kim, J. , Vroon, J. H. , Englebienne, G. , Truong, K. P., Pérez-Higueras, N., Pérez-Hurtado, I., Ramon-Vigo, R., Caballero, F., Merino, L., Shen, J., Petridis, S. , Pantic, M., Hedman, L., Scherlund, M., Koster, R., & Michel, H. (2015). TERESA: a socially intelligent semi-autonomous telepresence system. -. Paper presented at Workshop on Machine Learning for Social Robotics 2015, Seattle, United States.

Sieverink, F. , Poel, M. , Kelders, S. M., Braakman, E. J. M., & van Gemert, J. (2015). Log Data Analysis via Machine Learning to Make eHealth More Persuasive. -. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2015, Chicago, United States.


Boonstra, T. , van Kordelaar, J. , Engelhart, D., van Vugt, J. P. , & van der Kooij, H. (2015). Asymmetries in reactive and anticipatory balance control are of similar magnitude in Parkinson's disease patients. -. Poster session presented at Congres of the International Society of Gait and Poster (ISPGR), Seville, Spain, .

Vlutters, M. , Boonstra, T. , Schouten, A. C. , & van der Kooij, H. (2015). Direct measurment of the intrinsic ankle stiffness during standing. -. Poster session presented at 5th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, BME 2015, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.


Joosse, M. P. , Lohse, M. , & Evers, V. (2015). How a Guide Robot Should Behave at an Airport - Insights Based on Observing Passengers. (CTIT Technical Report Series; No. TR-CTIT-15-01). Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT).

Müller-Putz, G. R., Brunner, C., Bauernfeind, G., Blefari, M. L., Millan, J. D. R., Real, R. G. L., Kübler, A., Mattia, D., Pichiorri, F., Schettini, F., Ramsey, N., Höhne, J., Blankertz, B., Miralles, F., Otal, B., Guger, C., Ortner, R. , Poel, M. , Nijholt, A., ... Opisso, E. (2015). The future in brain/neural computer interaction: Horizon 2020. EU & Graz University of Techology.

This publication list has been generated from UT Research Information.